Telling Her parents?

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Sakura mustered every single bit of courage she had to go talk to her parents. She had a bad feeling about what was going to happen but still went anyways. She made it to her parents house and took deep breathes before knocking. Knock knock, her mother opened the door. "Oh hello Sakura" Her mother says. "Hey mom" She says back, with her mother gesturing her to come in. Her father was seated on the couch, reading a newspaper. "Hello Sakura" Her father said without looking at her. "Hello Dad" She says before seating down. "I want to tell you both something" Sakura nervously says. "Okay what is it" Her father days, glancing at her then returning to his paper. "I-i have a girlfriend" Sakura blurted, she didn't know how else to put it. "A what?!" Her mother shouted. "I won't condone such behavior, what has gotten into your head Sakura, you are straight! " Her father scolded her. She felt horrible, but she knew who was Important and that was Hinata. Hinata was the only one on Sakura's mind. "I don't care what you guys think anymore, I'm old enough to make this decisions for myself, and it's my choice if I want to date someone that's the same gender as me! I love her very much and I don't care what you guys are going to say" Sakura cried out. She felt her parents death glares at her, she started at the ground blankly, holding her tears. "My child will be no spawn of the devil" Her mother blurted out. "How will you go around and date someone that is a female when you are a female, if that is your choice you are no longer our daughter" Her father says and her mother nods in agreement. All their words hit her, hot tears streaming down her cheeks, she got up and ran out the house, she couldn't bare all the horrible things they said to her. Her heart tightened, as she went to go and look for Hinata.

Waiting for you (A SakuHina story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat