Chapter 6-"Please?"

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Josie's POV:
I was driving as fast as I could to Maya's place , she said that hope needed me , she she sounded panicked so I wanted to get there as soon as possible and see what was wrong.

I ran through a red light, at this point I don't care about the tickets, I just want hope to be safe .

I got to her place , I didn't even mind parking right , I just parked and hoped out the car , I quickly ran to the door and started to knock .

Maya then opend the door "where is she ?" I asked , my wolf eye coming out

"Josie calm down hide your eyes , she's in her room " I didn't even bother asking her if I could come in , I just went inside and walked to hopes room door .

I softly knocked "Hope ?" I asked , I then slowly opend the door to see hope crying in a little ball , her knees up to her chest , her chin on top of her knees

"who did this to you ?" I asked as I went up to her and sat on her bed , she didn't even bother moving , she just cried harder

I climbed all the way into her bed and pulled her head to my chest , she then got oh her knees and sat on my lap , she wrapped her leg as around my waist and her arms around my chest , she then clinged on my like if her life depended on it

"Hope , who did this to you ?" I asked as I petted her hair trying to calm her down

"hope , baby who did this to you " I asked her again , CRAP . I said baby , my heart started to beat faster

"it w-was Landon m-my e-ex "

.This made my wolf mad , I specifically told him to leave Hope alone , this dude has a death wish . "Shhh it's okay hope , I'm here , mind telling me what happened ?" I asked as I brought her face up to look at me , I softly wiped her tears from her red cheeks.

"He called my saying that he wants me back and that it was his bad but that it was my fault , he blamed me for him cheating , he asked for 5 days before He leaves me alone , of course I still love him so I agreed , and I got so mad I threw my phone against the wall and it shattered " she said

I pulled her in closer " I understand that you still love him but he still broke your heart , your trust and your stil giving him a chance to do it again , you know my uncle kai always told me ' giving someone a second chance is like giving someone a second bullet when they miss ' and you just gave him a second chance to shoot "

she then started to cry harder "I'm so sorry" I heard her muffled words "it's okay , you are in pain and wanted someone to take it away , even if it means going back to the person who hurt you . trust me I know"

She slowly nodded and I felt her raise her head from my chest , I swiped my thumb on her cheeks to while her tears "can I borrow your phone ?, because I clearly don't have one " I raised her chin "sorry cutie but I can't show you my phone , it's personal , I can take you and buy you a new phone tho " , I gave her  a small smirk

She slowly backed up from my lap and sat on the bed , I could smell her arousal, she smelled good . She then crossed her legs in criss-cross , "uhh yeah that would be fine , but I can buy my own phone " she said as she got up and walked over to her closet , she got some clothes and went into the restroom

I was just waiting on her bed still , I decided to call Jed and tell him about Landon breaking the rules , I knew that he wanted to beat him up for a while so why not let him ?. "Hey boss need anything ?" I heard Jed ask through the phone , "Jed so remember the warnings you gave Landon ? Well a little birdie told me he broke them so , have fun you can break his arm beat him up or whatever you want , oh but not to much fun " I said before I hanged up . I heard keys drop .

I turned around to see Hope by the restroom doorway , tears into her eyes ,"hey you ready to go?" I asked as I walked closer to her ."stay away from me !!" She screamed as she backed away into the restroom , she then grabbed the door and closed it.

I ran to keep it open but I was too slow , I heard the door lock "you were the ones who beaten Landon up before , I always wondered who beat him up , now I know why , do you like beating up random people walking home ?"

I scoffed "is that what he told you ? And you believe that ? , he owed me money , and he never paid it , he told me that he was going to get it soon but he never did , he owed me thousands , almost millions, we only beat him up to send him a message , that was months ago. Then he said that he had the money , then I met you and heard that you just broke up with your boyfriend , and then he said that he broke up with his girlfriend, I put 2 and 2 together , when he tried to give me the money , I denied it , I told him to give it back and to stay away from you , he clearly didn't so I was sending Jed to do whatever he want , because no one messes with us and gets away with it " I said as sat on the floor next to the restroom door

"Please tell him to leave him alone " I heard her say .

"but he-"

she cut me off

"please?" She asked

I just can't say no to her

"fine " I quickly call Jed

"hey boss I was about t-"

I cut him off

"Jed leave Landon alone , just tell him to stay away from us " I said


I cut him off again

"no buts , listen or step down " I growled into the phone before I hanged up.

"Thank you Josie " I heard Hope say from behind the door "no problem " .

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