chapter 2- "Detention"

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Hopes POV:
I walked into detention , the room was still empty , there was no one still there . Professor asshole was the only one there , I walked in and found somewhere to sit down.

I then I heard the door open , I looked over to the door to see maya. Maya was one of my old best friends , we still talk but not as much as we did , in 7th grade she got into a gang and turned from a angel to a bad girl .

She started to smoke and drink , the only reason we stopped hanging out was because of my parents .

They thought maya was a "bad example " to me so they separated us .

"Oh my god ,hopey goody two shoes is in detention ,who would have guessed " maya said as she started to laugh

"hey may" I said as she walked up to me and gave me a hug , I got up from my seat and hugged her back "now what did little hopey do to get into detention ?" She asked with a curious look .

"I got into professor assholes class late because my ex boyfriend broke up with me and kicked me out of our apartment " I said

"I was staying in a motel after and I fell asleep a little late and ended up sleeping longer than expected " I continued

"well I have a spare room in my apartment , you can stay there for a while  , while you are looking for a new place to live " maya offered

"Thank you maya , I appreciate it " I said

"well here's my address " maya said as she wrote her address down on a peace of paper .

After detention I went to go get some food before I went to my motel to pick up my stuff and loaded it to my Audi A5 . I then drove to Maya's apartment , I knocked on the door , no answer .

I knocked again no answer , I turned around ready to leave because she's probably not home yet when I heard the door open behind me

"hope I'm so sorry I forgot you were coming , you can come in but I have a few friends over , we were discussing a few small business things " she said as she open the door a little wider to let me in.

I smiled and walked in , I then saw jade , a few guys and 2 other girls , I then saw Josie ? .

She looked hot , she was still wearing her rings on her fingers but she had a suit on , she looked really hot , I was getting wet just thinking about her , I was imagining how it would have felt to feel her fingers inside of me ,maya started talking , interrupting my dirty thoughts

"Hey guys , everyone , this is hope , she will be staying with me for a while because her asshole of a boyfriend just broke up with her and kicked her out so be kind to her "

maya said as she was walking back to her seat , just gave them all a awkward wave and they all waved back , I then asked maya where my new room was , she pointed to a room Down the hall , I thanked her and went to my room .

There was a few things there already , there was a queen sized bed and a few empty drawers .

I was tired from the long day I had and decided to lay down before I went to work , work started at 4:00 and I ended my shift at 8:55. I then heard someone knock on my door, thinking it was maya I said "come in " .

"Long day " I heard a sweet voice ,Josie . I jumped off my bed "whoa didn't mean to scare you " Josie said

"uh no you didn't you just took me by surprise , that's all" I said .

"may I come in ?" Josie asked ,"uh yeah sure " I said , she walked in and closed the door behind her "what brings you here ?" I asked josie , she just gave me a quick smirk "Well I'm here because we were having a business meeting about something important , maya works for me and is one of my helpers, so is jade , you seem to know them already tho" she said as she walked closer to me

"uh yeah maya and me were childhood best friends and I met jade ever since I started college " I responded as I climbed into my bed .

If she got any closer I wouldn't be able to control myself .

"Well I told them to bring in your stuff in from your car , maya showed us your car and we already brought everything inside . We're going out for dinner if you want to join us " Josie said with a small soft smile .

"uh thank you for inviting me but I have work soon and I need to unpack my stuff , maybe another time " I said , she just nodded and walked out of my room . I then went outside of my room and sure Enough , my stuff were already outside my door and everyone had left .

I ran back to my room and locked the door , I then got on my bed and started to get naked , I slowly slid my fingers down to my very wet pussy , how could a girl I just met already have me wrapped around there finger ? , she is making me feel more stuff then what Landon did .

I slowly started pumping my fingers in and out , I slowly started to speed up , I tried to hold in my moaning but I just couldn't , imaging her doing this to me just made me go faster , I then put my fingers inside me , making me gasp , I start going faster and faster until I cum all over my fingers , I continued fingering myself until I calmed down ."josie" i moan out without noticing , i then realized what i just did .

I suddenly stop and think of what I just did , I then grabbed my phone to look at the time "shit I'm late for work " I say as I run to the boxes and dig out the first things I see , I quickly put them on and run to the restroom to wash my hands . I then grab my keys and head out the door .

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