Chapter 5- "josie its hope "

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Hopes POV :

Work had just finished and I was driving back home , Landon had texted me that he wants to get back together , a part of me ways to say yes and I want to go run back into his arms again but another part of me wants to say no , he did cheat on me.

He did hurt my feelings , he did break my heart .

So I just left him on delivered , I know that if I choose to get back with him there's a possibility of him cheating on me again , and I just don't want my heart to break again .

I finally got back home , I parked my car and got out , I got my keys out and opend the door , I entered and locked it behind me , I then went to my room and took off my shoes .

I changed into some shorts and a tank top. I climbed into bed and turned on my tv , I was scrolling over different shows to watch , I finally stoped and found one who caught my attention . It was called grand army . I then started to scroll through my Instagram , there wasn't really much to see , I was enturupted by Landon calling me .

I decided to answer and see what he wanted " what do you want?" I asked with venom in my voice

"I want you back hope , I miss you and I knew that cheating on you with Dana was a bad idea but I wasn't my fault okay , she was the one who agreed to sleep with me , it wasn't my fault " he started to say through the phone

"Landon it doesn't matter if it was your fault or not , you still slept with her , you still fucked her in our bed , where we sleep . I came home to you fucking her in our bed . How do you think I feel " I screamed threw the phone , tears running down my face .

"Hope I'm sorry , just come back and be with me I miss you " he said .

" Landon ,you don't know how bad I want to go back to you but every time I just think of you fucking her with no thought of my feelings , so let me think about it , please?" I begged

"okay, I'll give you 5 days , and only 5 days " he said before he hanged up .

I threw my phone against the door , my phone shattering into pieces as it made contact with the wall. I then start to sob . "Hope are you okay ?" I i heard maya say from behind the door ."I don't know maya" I say as I pull my legs up , putting my head between my legs , I heard the door open

"be careful I threw my phone and it shattered so there's glass everywhere " I said .

I heard crunching as maya entered my room , I then felt the bed dip a little and I knew that she was now sitting down next to me . "Do you want to talk about it ?, do you need anything ?, anyone ?" Maya asked , I shook my head no

"I can call your parents " maya suggested


"I can call anybody , I can also call Josie " she suggested

This caught my attention "why would you call Josie ?" I asked ,raising my head up from my legs

"Oh hope don't act stupid , I see the way you look at her , the way she looks at you , plus jade told me about the first time y'all meet , she told me you turned into a blushing mess " maya said as she nudged my shoulder.

"I'll call Josie " maya said as she stood up and started to walk out

"oh " she stoped at the doorframe "sweep that up before someone steps on it " she said pointing at my shattered phone , I nodded and got up from my bed

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the broom , I quickly swept everything up and threw the pieces and shards away , I put everything back and went to my room , I closed the door and crawled into my bed , I then let the tears that I been holding back all go .

Josie's POV:
I was driving back home from the meeting we had at Maya's place , my mom my twin sister and uncle with me .

"so sweetie , who was that auburn haired girl " my mom asked

"she's just a friend of Maya's , she's staying with maya because her ex boyfriend broke up with her and kicked her out " I said

"well she's really pretty " my mom responded

"yeah that she is " I agreed

"so what's her name " my uncle kai asked

"her name is hope " I said he just nodded .

"What's her eye color ?" Lizzie asked

"it's a sort of light blue when she's in the sunlight , but when in a okay lighting room there a beautiful shade of blue " I responded

They all started to laugh like little children who stole cookies from the cookie jar

"what ?" I asked

"nothing sweetheart " my mom said , Lizzie than started to laugh harder and louder .

Then she started to calm down "you my dear sister josette are in love and you don't even realize it" Lizzie said , she then started to laugh again , I started to blush

"well we're here " I said as I parked in my drive way , "y'all can go inside , I'm going to wolf out quickly " they all nodded and I went to the back of my house .

I quickly undressed myself and quickly turned , I was running fast and the wind felt nose through my fur , after a while I went back to where I left my stuff , I quickly turned back and changed into my clothes , I grabbed my phone and saw that I had a missed call from maya , I called maya back " what is it maya , this better be important " I said "Josie it's Hope " maya said , the worst things started to go through my head "I'll be there in a little " I said before I ran to my car and got on .

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