34. Shark week + 'move in with me?'💗

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Summary: Your periods put your health in a dangerous condition, and upon that you're helplessly alone in your apartment. Asahi comes to the rescue, with a proposal: to move in with him.

Just an fyi, this chapter takes place almost 2-3 months after the last chapter, so around September ending.

Periods are truly a curse, especially because they tend to come at the most inconvenient time and place. The same thing happened to you, who currently laid on the cold floor with nothing but a blanket, writhing in pain, and shivering with the cold. You couldn't bear it anymore, you needed a pain killer pill. But here's the thing:

Your roomate Tatsuki had gone to his home for the week, so you were living alone. Therefore there was no one to get those for you, or even help you up the floor to your bed.

Hesitantly, You shot an SOS text to Asahi. Being alone suffering in pain was really difficult. You needed a pain killer pill badly, but you didn't have one and going out was out of question due to your condition. You curled up in a ball and pulled your cover over yourself trembling, your lower half numb with pain, but still occasional waves of pain shot through your stomach to your legs. You wished you'd have someone who could help you.

Timeskip 25 mins-

The door to your room flung open.
"(Y/n)!?" Asahi removed his shoes hastily and flung them away running up to you. You gave him a weak smile.
"Did you eat anything? You'll have to eat before you can have the medicine. Here have some meat buns. Also here the heating pad you asked for. You quickly snatched it from his hands and used it to relax your lower abdomen muscles. He looked at you worried as you managed to somehow get up and eat the meat bun.

"Why didn't you call me in the morning itself? I could've come. I know you don't like to be alone. You're in so much pain." he said worried sick. You managed to down one of the meat buns somehow and took the pill. Although you still weren't feeling great.

"Also why are you sleeping on the ground, away from the heat? Hold on I'll help to up." Asahi picked you up as you clung onto him and he placed you down on the bed.
"I couldn't reach the bed, I feel weak" you said getting in a comfortable position. "(Y/n) you are shivering. Are you okay?" He said as your face was flushed pink and you were shaking indeed. He touched your forehead to check. "You're burning up! I'll put the heater on, wait!" he ran as he set up the heater.

You quietly pulled over the covers.
"I guess. I don't know maybe I have a fever" you said shaking, talking was a bit difficult for you right now. It was an unusually cold day. Asahi sat down on the bed beside you and ran his fingers through your hair.
" 'Sahi..." You said in a soft voice tugging on his sweater.
"Please... Come here..." You said pulling him with the very little strength you had.

He quickly understood what you were saying and he removed his jacket and slipped under the covers with you. He picked you up and put you face down on himself so you were resting on his chest and he was engulfing you in his arms, massaging your lower back. You got comfortable from his body heat and felt at ease with how he held you close and warm. You snuggled against his neck and quickly dozed off due to the medicine.

You woke up after some hours to an empty bed. You searched around to find Asahi making something in your makeshift dorm room kitchen.
"Hey did I wake you?" He said peering over.
"No no" you said feeling much better than before.
"I'll run you a hot bath. Go, You can relax as much as you want." He said smiling. You got up, now able to walk well and went inside the bathroom.

When you undressed you saw that you had stained your clothes, which meant you probably stained the bedsheet as well. Just then you heard Asahi go inside the bedroom. You quickly called out to him to stop him from seeing the stain but too late.

"Asahi-" you yelled but he looked at the stained bedsheet expressionless. Then he looked over to you who was peeking your head from the bathroom door. You covered your face embarrassed about the whole thing. He quickly understood the situation and picked up the bedsheet.
"Don't worry, you just go and take a bath and relax." He said smiling at you and with that you got into the bathtub.

You sighed as you closed your eyes slipping deeper into the bathtub. The sound of the washing machine could be heard so you realised he had probably cleaned the sheets. You got out after some time and Asahi gave you fresh clothes.

"I got candy and snacks we can watch movies or something after lunch maybe? What say? Are you feeling well? (Y/n)?" Asahi smiled from the kitchen. You ran upto him and hugged him from the back. You muttered a small 'thank you' to him while your face buried in his back, shy but also feeling bad you had to bother him so much.

"It's no problem really. Don't thank me." He said smiling while stirring something on the stove.
"Yeah but you probably had plans which you had to postpone or cancel, I'm sorry for troubling you but mostly thanks for helping-" you were rambling when Asahi turned around and put a finger to your lips.

"Baby stop worrying. Plus I'm your boyfriend, it's my job to care for you. To be quite honest, I like having to take care of you. Don't go around feeling you're a bother to me 'cause you're not." He said pressing kisses on the top of your head. He turned off the stove. He served the food he made for you which tasted really good although it wasn't anything fancy.


"So what do you want to watch?" He asked looking at the laptop and opening Netflix. You both were under blankets on the bed, the sun had set and it was getting colder. You put on your fav anime and snuggled closer to him. "Babe, you really should have called me before. What if this took a turn for the worse?" He said worried.

"I know but you live away from me so I didn't want to trouble you and this whole long distance thing is really hard and today was just a bad timing and-"

"Move in with me then" Asahi said bluntly, interrupting you.

Your eyes went wide and you moved to lock eyes with him, trying to read his expression.

"Really?" You asked cupping his face, your face just waiting to burst out in tears.

"Are you ready for that? Is it too soon for you? No pressure really!" He asked, his face looked soft in the light from the laptop.

"Yes! I'd love that! To be honest I've been wanting to ask you that but I was not sure if you'd want that..." You said now your tears flowing freely. Maybe it was the periods that made you emotional, but you were just so happy at this moment.

"No shit Sherlock. I've been wanting to ask you too but I didn't for the same reason. Also, why wouldn't I want my girlfriend to live with me? Ofcourse I would've said yes." He giggled wiping off your tears.
"You've made me so happy today, I love you so much." You kissed him deeply and he smiled in the kiss.

"Although, Akihiro is taking out his things in this and the next week so it'll have to wait till then. Can you sort out your living situation till then?" He asked. Actually, Akihiro, Asahi's older brother was supposed to move out 3 months ago, but due to his graduation being prolonged, he had to stick around for longer. It was almost the end of the first semester of your first year, barely a month was remaining and you were pretty busy with the projects and club activities.

"Yeah I can do that. My contract expires every 6 months and almost 5 of them are done, so I'll just move out at the end of this one. Poor Tatsuki has to find a new roommate now tho." You said earning an annoyed pout from Asahi.
"You can stop pouting now, I'll finally go away from your swore nemesis." You giggled.
"Now he'll know how I felt" Asahi said looking all smug and proud. You just giggled at him acting like a big baby.

And so, you snuggled into your beloved boyfriends warmth as you knew that things are beginning to look alright now afterall.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now