2. Walking home together 💗

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Intro- You start your training with Kiyoko and come to know about Kiyoko's secret. You learn that you and Asahi live close by and agree on walking home together in the evening.


You slipped into your tracksuit and stuffed your uniform in your bag. Checking the time, it was 6:00 am,
"practice starts at 6:30" you said to yourself while you put on your sport shoes and waved goodbye to your mom.

You weren't one to exercise so you weren't used to walking alone this early in the morning so it felt kinda chilly considering it was August.

While walking you bumped into a person who came in from the street on the right.

"Excuse me, I'm sorRYYY ASAHI-SAN?" You almost shouted as you saw Asahi.

"A-ah (y/n) chan, I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was walking" Asahi said in a low and deep sleepy voice.

You were happy to meet Asahi, a smile crept on your face and you were smiling at him while you greeted him by saying goodmorning. He said the same with a smile that gave you butterflies in your stomach.

'Why am I getting this funny feeling in my stomach, Ugh snap out if it you're probably blushing like a crazy person' you said to yourself. You gave a quick glance towards Asahi and you could see he was looking at the ground while walking, slightly smiling to himself.

You start talking while walking about random things about school and your friends in the classroom for some time now when you meet Suga calling out to you from across the street.

"Hey you guys, I didn't know you were going to walk together, I wouldn't have interrupted XD" Suga said teasingly. Both of you turned bright red.

"Well I didn't plan, I just bumped into her near my house" Asahi said.
"Wait your house is near Xxx street?" You asked
"yeah, 3 houses down the left"
"I live just 4 blocks ahead! No wonder I met you" you exclaimed.

School arrived very quickly and you didn't realize because of all the talking and laughing. You were greeted by the other members who were opening the gym doors. You saw Kiyoko and waved at her excited. She gave you a smile too.

Thus started the 'training' of you and Yachi. Yachi was a newbie so you were still more experienced than her and didn't need as much info logistically. She mostly just explained the volleyball part like the positions and techniques that you had to write down because your memory isn't really that great to begin with. You quickly became friends with both of them and started talking outside practice as well.

You were mesmerized by how cool the players looked when they played everyday. Kageyama's sets were so natural and precise, while Suga's were so thought out and calculated. Tsukishima's strategic play and Hinata's jumps were the most interesting, as well as Noya and Daichi's stability and agility. Tanaka's spikes were always met your "That was Amazing" to which he always striped his jersey and swayed it in the air which was very unnecessary but funny.
But something about Asahi's spikes was so powerful. No other member of the team (or any human with a working pair of eyes) would dare pick a physical fight with Asahi seeing his powerful spikes, speed and stamina. Not that he'd be in a physical fight ever, him being the soft and gentle person he is, not to mention very against violence. He wouldn't hurt a fly without a reason.

You noticed your thoughts always drifted towards Asahi as you watched him play, his glistening arm muscles moving, which looked like a sculpture of a Greek god. He was a handsome guy afterall.

"Hey Kiyoko san, Yachi san, (y/n)-chan! did you see my spike?" Tanaka screamed from the other side of the net while flexing his spiking skills which interrupted your thoughts (thirsty bixch ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ). You noticed Kiyoko's faint smile and blushed cheeks when Tanaka called yalls names.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now