33. Surprise!💔☁️💗

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Summary: After a fight with Asahi because of the long distance, you decide to confront him by going over to his place and surprise him by staying over. Will he clear things out?.
Also, smut warning: extreme NSFW.

You woke up groggy, your alarm screeching at 7am. "Ugh I just want to curl up in a ball and die." You sighed like a cranky old person. Then the happenings of the earlier day hit you. The cold video call you had with Asahi, the whole fight and misunderstanding and you sulked even more.

Then you decided to wake up because you had lectures afterall. You sat up right and thought about your plan to surprise Asahi by staying over, whether it would be a good idea to continue with it. While getting ready for college you slipped a pair of underwear in your bag, just in case you stay over at his after making up. You shaved your body hair and took a shower before heading out. You still hadn't decided whether you'll actually go to meet him, you turned to see your phone but today there was no goodmorning text from Asahi. You sighed even more before sending one yourself.

The day came to an end after you left from your part-time job. It was around 7pm and you fidgeted around your phone looking at Asahi's caller id. You said fuck it and called him. He picked after a while. "Where are you?" You asked directly. "I- I'm at wor-work..." He said. "What time will you get off?" You asked. In half an hour he said. You didn't say anything further, just hanging up the phone.

"Okay I'm doing this" you muttered to yourself as you went to the bathroom at the convenience store and put on some makeup. Before going you got a pack of condoms (just in case).

You took a bus to his place and waited at the entry of the building. After 5-7 mins of waiting, surely you could see your tall and tired boyfriend walking towards you. He froze when he saw you. "Y/n..." Was all he could say.

"So are you going to ignore me now too?" You said crossing your arms on your chest. "Let's go inside first." He said walking into the building and you walked behind him in silence. Once inside you walked in and stood in the middle of the living room, arms crossed on your chest. Asahi closed the door, removed his shoes and walked in after you.

"Can I atleast explain what happen-" you were cut of by Asahi who pulled you in a hug, engulfing his long, strong arms around you. "I'm sorry for acting like that." He said in a deep, grumbling voice. "Huh?" You said in disbelief. "You don't need to explain anything. I should have trusted you instead of talking to you like that. I'm sorry it's my fault." He said quietly. You were puzzled but just glad that things didn't get more complicated.

"I thought you'd not want to talk to me and be all broody, you didn't even text me back!" you said accusingly rubbing his back. "Because I didn't know how to respond. But then I thought about it and it's not really your fault that he appears when I'm there. The only thing I'm upset about is that you never told him about me" he pouted. "I'll agree, I should've cleared it out before, I'm sorry for that. But Tatsuki is not like that, he doesn't really flirt with me you have nothing to worry about." you said.

You explained him all the other things as well even when he told you repeatedly that he didn't care about it. Asahi apologized many times too. It was all in the past now. "Y/nnnn...I think you should stay here if your schedule is free tomorrow. It would get pretty late to go home at this hour." He said. You laughed while giving him a mischievous grin. "Don't worry babe that was my plan all along. Surprise!!"

You threw your arms around him as he unbuttoned his shirt to change out of his uniform at work which was just a white shirt and black pants but he looked amazing in them. You still hugging him, he smiled at your words, pressing kisses on your face. "We haven't had a sleepover, since like back in Miyagi. It must've been over a month now." He said deep in thought.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now