6. His room🤍 (fluff)☁️

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Summary: Tokyo training camp is announced at the end of exams. You stay over at Asahi's (lots of fluff)

"At last! It's over" you said, stretching your arms out, your exams finished. "Just 4 more days then we can have vacations!!"

Mikoto stretched a little and yawned as you walked out of your classroom for club activities.
"We have the prefectural games coming up, so the vacation will be full of practice and practice matches." Mikoto said (Reminder that Mikoto plays for the girl's volleyball team). You met Kiyoko and Tanaka near the lockers.

"You guys! Kiyoko qualified for the prefectural finals in her team! Isn't she amazing?" Tanaka said, praising his girlfriend, looking very proud of her.
"We all will win our prefectural finals and go to nationals too" Tanaka announced, sounding very convincing.
"We will" you agreed determined.

You were met by Nishinoya and Ennoshita on your way to the gym.
"(Y/n) how were your exams?" Nishinoya asked.
"They were good, I'm hoping to score well" you said sheepishly.
"Ennoshita made us study so hard for these exams" Noya said tired.
"But now we can play volleyball to our heart's content"

The gym was already full of volleyballs slamming into the floor. "Nice serve", "don't mind" "another one" the players called out to each other. You started your work as you were interrupted by Takeda sensei and he gave you some numbers to call and told you what to do as you got busy.

Before leaving for the day, you called the team and announced. "Everyone listen carefully we have an announcement to make. We will be going to Tokyo for a training camp for four days and three nights. The Tokyo high school volleyball group, consisting of schools like Nekoma and Fukurodani will also be attending it." You finished and Daichi came forth giving other details about the trip.

Everyone was listening with interest, smiles creeping their way onto everyone's excited faces. You were leaving on the next Monday, meaning after less than a week. With that, you left the gym to go home.
"Let's go (y/n)" Asahi ran up to you, a smile on his face. You gave him a smile as warm as the sun that was starting to set and you left off.

Walking home with Asahi was therapeutic to say the least. You missed these walks so much and it was so much fun to talk to him. Asahi opened up more when he was with you, telling you about all sorts of stuff and funny incidents and what not. He knew about a lot of stuff, you could never be bored with him.

"Hey Azumane-san.... Umm... Can I... Can I stay over at yours for a bit? We left early (4 pm) so there's no one at my house till dinner and I don't want to be alone...." You said hesitating. Asahi's face lit up like a happy child.
"Yes of course you can! I get lonely alone in the house anyway. It's nice to have company" he confessed. That's when it hit you, Asahi lived alone, he must feel so lonely all the time.

"Why didn't you tell me you got bored and lonely here. I would've come over all the time." You exclaimed as you put down your bags.
"You'd do that for me?" Asahi looked surprised, cheeks flushed.
"Of course! Now please can we eat something I'm starving. Also do you have any spare clothes I'm sweaty from all the hard work I do for this team" you said dramatically to Asahi.

"Umm... Well, why don't you go freshen up. Should I give you my hoodie? I don't have anything of your size, everyone in my house is pretty tall."

"Yeah it'll do. Thanks Azumane-san" you said smiling

"Call me Asahi" he said.

You blushed a bit and were turned on by how dominant it sounded. "Would you be so kind as to show me your washroom then Asahi." You said in a low voice, an blushing mess.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now