Chapter 75

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I want to kill her. I want to kill her for how casually she talked about the Gladers who gave their lives. I want to make her suffer for what they've put us through.

That's why I find myself putting my forearm against her throat and pressing with all of my strength and weight. She struggles to get free from me, but I'm stronger and she clearly hasn't ever fought someone before.

I can hear Thomas punching Gally beside me. I watch the woman's face turn purple as she fights to get me off.

Then fire races down my spine, pain spasming into my limbs. I collapse on the concrete beside her, uncontrollably twisting from the agony.

I don't know what's wrong, but I physically cannot keep hurting her. I can't control anything. My vision blacks out from the pain and I gasp for air, disoriented and terrified.

I can't fight.

I can't do anything.

Finally the feeling ebbs away and I blink as my star-scattered vision slowly returns. Blinking away the remaining flashing lights, I see the woman standing again, glaring at me from above.

"I think you'll see that attacking us comes with very unpleasant consequences," she says. Then she nods at the Gladers, and Newt runs to my side.

"Are you okay?" he asks, but I don't answer. Instead I just let him help me to my feet. I'm still dizzy from the pain. What was that?

A burst of gunfire rings out. I glance up, a spike of panic helping me stand firmer.

The woman's face is pale. I can see Gally lying motionless on the floor. Thomas is staring at me with concerned fear. I must have screamed from the pain. I don't remember it, but my throat aches.

What's happening?

More gunfire. I cling to Newt, not able to think. I need to process what's happening, but my mind is getting caught on insignificant details, like the way Chuck is lying in the pool of his blood.

I watch the scientist get shot in the chest, the bullet ripping through her. People are running. This... this isn't part of the Creator's plan.

As I start to catch up, as my mind works faster, I feel a rush of hope.

Something went wrong for these people labeled as WICKED.

We're actually escaping their cruel world.

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