Chapter 27

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Thomas and I help the Builders in the morning, which unfortunately involves working with Gally. Even the nicer Builders are quiet and grim today, since Ben was their friend. On the plus side, though, I'm not really mad at Thomas anymore. Watching him nearly get killed by a lunatic had that benefit, at least.

Gally clearly hates Thomas, and probably me as well, but I try to ignore him as much as possible. It's not too hard, either, as long as I focus on our current job – replacing part of the fence for the goat pen while Bark watches cheerfully – and on the fact that Alby went into the Maze with Minho.

They're going to look at the Griever, and I would give just about anything to go with them. I might even give my matches up, although they feel more precious now that I've lit a few of them. Fire helps me think, and after yesterday's excitement I need that.

I get five splinters in my hands throughout the course of the day. Five. Thomas only ends up with a couple, and I'm definitely jealous as I dig for one of mine with the tweezers yet again.

"Are Minho and Alby back yet?" I ask Newt when Gally finally lets us go. He looks up at me, the movement sharp and frustrated, and I know. His eyes are positively haunted.

"Oh," I say as it sinks in. He's trying to figure out how to be alone. They aren't back, and I'm not stupid. They're dead or dying or going to die when the Doors shut.

"I'm sure they're fine," he says, but I don't believe him.

On impulse, I hug him for a moment.

He isn't alone, at least. I know I'm not who he's worried about, but at least I'm someone. He isn't alone. He can keep hoping. He can keep fighting.

Newt doesn't answer, just nods at me and looks away so I won't see the tears in his eyes. 

Good Grief (TMR fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz