Chapter 42

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The days fall into a rhythm. Sleeping, Running, eating, and hanging out with Newt, Chuck and the other Runners. We're rather distant from the other Gladers because we're gone so long and don't have much energy when we are back.

It takes a couple of days before I even realize that Gally is missing. Apparently no one has seen him since the Gathering where they discussed me and Thomas. Rumor has it that he ran off into the Maze and let the Grievers catch him.

I'm not sorry that he's gone, although it's possible that some of his friends are hiding him in the Glade. I certainly won't look for him.

Thomas and I are still running with Minho, and the three of us have a comfortable dynamic that makes the repetitive daily runs easier. My wound from the Changing has almost completely healed, as well.

Newt always waits for me outside the Maproom. Seeing him standing there lifts my spirits, especially after a day of useless running and examining the Cliff that seems half illusion and half real.

"How was your run?"

I give him a tired smile. "Same as always. Thanks for saving me some of the bread from lunch."

"No problem. You look exhausted."

"I guess." We sit in silence as I eat, listening to the Doors slam shut for the night.


One of the Med-jacks is in front of us, biting his lip nervously.

"Hey Jeff, what's up?"

"The girl is awake. She went out the window, so she must be out here somewhere."

I snicker a little at the fact that she must be as stubborn as I am. "Good luck finding her in the dark."

Jeff sighs, and pleads with me. "Come on, Ash. Help us out."

"Why? Because I'm a girl?" I don't know much about myself, but I suspect that I've never been good at comforting scared people.

"She might be less frightened of you."

This time Newt laughs. "She'd have to be an idiot to not think Ash is dangerous," he mumbles to himself so that only I can hear him.

"I think she went towards the Deadheads," Clint says, jogging up to us. "I told Alby."

The leader of the Glade is recovered from the Changing, even though I can see his personality is... bleaker, I suppose, than it used to be.

We all head into the trees together, looking for the missing girl.

She's talking to Thomas when we find her, almost back in the corner of the walls.

"Hey," Newt says, stepping forward. "Are you okay?"

Her black hair frames her face in astonishingly perfect waves, and she glares suspiciously at all of us.

"Do I look that intense?" I ask Minho in a whisper, and he smirks at me.


"My name is Teresa," the girl says, relaxing slightly. "I... I can't remember anything. Where are we?"

Everyone looks at me, and I try not to roll my eyes. Apparently it's my job to make her feel safe and welcomed.

"Uh, hi. I'm Ash. Also known as the token female since the rest of them are boys. Welcome to the death trap."

Minho snorts, and Newt sighs. "Ash!"

"What?" I defend. "You called it a death trap when you were talking to me."

Newt opens his mouth to find an excuse, but instead he just ends up saying "Yeah, that's because you aren't afraid of anything."

"I'm not afraid of anything here, that doesn't mean-"

Alby cuts off our bickering by addressing the girl. "Welcome to the Glade."

Teresa nods slightly. "You all should know... I don't have all of my memories, but... I remember one phrase from when I was waking up. I triggered the Ending. It's all going to change."

"Awesome," I say sarcastically. "Mind explaining what that means?"

"I don't know," she answers, blue eyes flashing with panic.

"Great," Alby grumbles.

I agree. "The Ending" doesn't sound like something we want.

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