Chapter 61

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(I'm not sure how well this song fits this chapter, but it's a good one so imma put it here anyway~) 

Newt gives me the silent treatment. I can tell within an hour that he's purposely staying away from me, and when I try to apologize he doesn't respond.

Eventually I take off towards the Maze in an attempt to avoid my guilt as much as he's avoiding me.

A few turns outside of the Glade, I pull myself up the wall with the vines and tie myself into them as a support so I can just hang out – in a literal sense.

To my surprise, Minho appears after a few minutes and climbs up beside me. I ignore him until he's right next to me, wrapping some vines around himself for support.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I saw you leave. I thought I'd come talk to you because... I'm worried about you and Newt, Ash. Something clearly happened, and I don't like my friends fighting."

I grind my teeth slightly and glare down the passage of the Maze to avoid looking at Minho. "He's not talking to me."

To my surprise, the Keeper laughs. "Wow. You care so much about him that you have to go into the Maze and sulk just because he's annoyed? Man."

"It's not funny, Minho."

"Don't worry, Ash. He'll forgive you soon enough."

He sounds confident, and I give him a confused glance. "Do you even know what I did?"

Minho shrugs. "No, but he's the most forgiving of all of us. Hey, do me a favor, though, if you can."


"Don't break his heart." Well that was the last thing I would have expected Minho to say. "He's my best friend, and I don't want him getting hurt."

I'm not sure how I feel about Minho being able to tell that there's... something between Newt and I. Although, now that I think about it, I'm not sure what there is between us.

"I won't hurt him." If I can help it.

"Thanks. Come on, let's... well, I guess we don't have to worry about being inside before the Doors close anymore, do we? It's weird how I was wishing so badly that they'd stay open for just a few more minutes when I was dragging Alby back, and now we're all hoping they'd just shucking close."

I chuckle, and follow Minho as he climbs back down. Now that my mind is clearer I notice that my shoulder is aching badly, but the wound is healed well enough that the scab doesn't break open.

It's a good thing, too, because it won't be long before the Grievers come, and I don't want to worry about bleeding all over if I have to fight again tonight.

I suspect that Newt won't end up in the same room as me tonight, and unfortunately I'm right.

A/N: I posted the prologue to this story yesterday, so if you've been reading as I'm posting and missed that, please go back and check it out! 

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