Chapter 64

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I close my eyes as the roof beneath me drops. There's nothing solid for me to grab onto, and I hit the dirt floor of the shed with a painful thud.

It takes me a moment to roll on my back and open my eyes. The first thing I see is the leader's stern expression.

"Sorry, Alby," I say, a bit sheepishly. Most of the Keepers start laughing uncontrollably. Even Alby cracks a smile.

"You- you fell through the ceiling!" Minho says, gasping for air. "Are you really that crazy?"

"Stop laughing," I say, glaring at him, "and yes, I did. I had to know what you were talking about."

"Mostly we were talking about how we saw you climb on the roof and we knew it would break," Newt says. He's chuckling as well, although not as much as Thomas and the others. His eyes are fixed on his knees as if he doesn't want to admit I made him laugh.

"Lovely." I climb to my feet and wince a bit. The fall didn't injure me, but it wasn't fun.

"Can she stay?" Minho asks, clearly deciding he wants to help my cause. "She's proven herself out in the Maze with me."

"Alright, then," Alby growls. "But only as long as Thomas stays."

The atmosphere grows much more serious, and I take a seat on the floor beside Thomas's chair.

He's nervously fidgeting with his fingers, and when Alby nods at him he takes a deep breath.

"I figured out how to escape from the Maze." He pauses, his eyes searching ours for a reaction. "It's... not an easy method. First, though, I need to explain some things. Teresa and I can talk in each other's minds. We have telepathy, somehow. We're connected. But there's more than just that. You see... w- I used to work for the Creators."

There's complete silence. I'm not very surprised by his announcement. He had told me that he recognized the Glade, after all. I wouldn't have expected it, but I'm not surprised. It's more of a shock that he can speak with Teresa in his mind. How does that even work? Can she read his thoughts any time she wants? That sounds more like a curse than a blessing.

Thomas, though, looks astonished at our lack of reaction to his admission.

He clumsily coughs before continuing. "I helped them design this place. I watched you guys through the beetle blades. I... helped create the Maze, and I can't say how sorry I am. If you don't trust me after that, I understand. But there's only one way out of here, and I remember it."

"Well?" Newt asks, a touch of tension in his voice betraying his impatience. "What is it?"

"It's through the Griever Hole. The Cliff is a camouflaged opening to where the Grievers live, and if we go over the Cliff and enter the words into a computer everything will shut down."

No. Way. The Cliff? It makes perfect sense, but at the same time... who would purposefully go into the den of those monsters?

"The Griever Hole, eh? That sounds nice and cozy," Newt mutters.

"I know it isn't a comfortable idea," Thomas responds, and I almost snort at his understatement. "But... hopefully they'll be programmed like they are right now, and only one boy will die."

"Do you know that?" Alby demands.

" But I hope it's true, and I'm willing to stake my life on this." His eyes are earnest, and I believe him.

The Keepers all erupt into arguments.

I tap Thomas's knee to get his attention. He looks over at me.

"I'm in, Thomas. I'll go with you."

He smiles. "Thanks, Ash."

"Alright, quiet down!" Newt shouts, and silence returns to the room.

"Get gone, Greenies," Alby says. "We need to talk. We'll let you know what we decide later."

"When will they stop calling us Greenies?" Thomas complains as we leave the shed, and I laugh.

My heart feels a thousand times lighter than it did this morning. We have a way out.

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