Chapter 37

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I wake up to Newt poking me. "You want dinner?"

"Did I fall asleep?"

"Yep. For an hour or so. I thought you'd be hungry, but you're also still torn up for the Changing, so..."

"Dinner is over, isn't it?" I ask, looking at the dark sky.

"Doors are long closed, so yeah."

"Oh. Well, let's go get some food, I guess."

When we grab some food and reach the outside tables, Minho and Thomas look up at us from where they've been chatting. Thomas grins and waves at me. Minho only raises an eyebrow.


I take a slight breath. I hope I'm right. "Was your section of the Maze set up today like one of these Maps?"

Minho takes the Maps I drew and glances through them.

"That one," Thomas says, looking over his shoulder.

Minho stares up at me, squinting thoughtfully. "How did you know?"

"I don't know. But I understand Maps. The walls make sense to me."

"Huh," Minho says. "We need you out there."

Newt put his arm around my shoulders and grins. "Well, Min, it's your lucky day. The girl's decided she's ready to head out tomorrow on your run."

"Really?" Thomas asks, his eyes brightening.

"Good that," Minho answers. "Better get to sleep soon, Ash, we need you able to run and you only just finished the Changing."

"I'm doing really well," I say, but Newt shoves me slightly.

"He's not wrong," he scolds. "You need sleep. I don't want you coming back tomorrow looking like a wreck."

"Bold of you to assume I'm capable of looking less than perfect," I say teasingly, and Minho snorts.

I am still tired, though, so I go to bed after I eat without much more complaining.

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