64. Soulmates

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5 years later,

Laughter of Scorpius, Teddy and Adelaide echoed the dining room. Lucius, Narcissa, Andromeda, Draco and Hermione were all sitting on the dining table, enjoying their lunch. Narcissa sipped on her wine and glanced over to the elves who were carrying hers and Lucius's bags downstairs. Draco took one last sip of his brandy before wiping his mouth. He glanced at Hermione before turning his gaze towards his parents-- they were already in their vacation robes.

"Mother, Father. Are you two really moving out to Paris?"

"Yes, Draco. Who else will take care of our vineyard there? You are the Lord now, we can't just stay here any longer" Lucius answered his son without looking at him.

Draco sighed, he really didn't want to let his parents move out. "But, Hermione and I can take care of the vineyard. We can move to Paris. Besides, Mother, you love going out to Muggle London, right?"

"Draco, I believe you've already understood the whole conditions said in the inheritance paper. It is a tradition for the last Malfoy heir to inherit the manor-- it is the responsibility you have to carry as the Lord, this happens to each last heirs and heiresses. I've done my part, and now it's yours. I believe you don't want any of your ancestors tap dancing in their graves, right?" Lucius added one last joke in the end.

Draco burst out laughing as he got an images of his ancestors tap dancing in their graves. They would probably be rolling like crazy if they found out he married a Muggle-born and gave birth to half-blooded children. Draco shook off the images from his head and returned his gaze to his mother. She smiled at him.

"I love London, Draco. It's one of the place that helped me to get rid of any of my sadness. But, now that your father's here and I've been enjoying the French wizarding community, I think we might as well move out from London. We will visit from time to time, okay? Besides, I will also be there when it's time for these kids to go to Hogwarts"

"Your mother has also found a new friend there. What's her name again?"

"Delacour, Lucius. Apollo Delacour, mother of the girl who joined Triwizard Tournament in 1994"

Narcissa smacked Lucius's arms slowly. She stood up and took Adelaide into her arms. The little girl was growing taller everyday despite of only being 5 years old. Adelaide giggled as she tried to run away from Narcissa's arms. Hermione widened her eyes looking at her daughter trying to pull Narcissa's necklace off her neck. Oh no, she's attracted to the shiny jewels again. Narcissa laughed as she put Adelaide on her lap. She could hear Draco sighed in embarrassment. Hermione did just the same-- she wondered where did she get such a habit to be so excited around shiny stuffs.

"Mummy! Shiny!"

"I thought that Scorpius would be a mini Draco, but turns out it's this princess over here!" Lucius tickled on Adelaide's feet, causing her to giggle.

"Draco loved shiny things?" Hermione's eyes sparked in interest.

"Was obsessed with them. We need to hide all of Cissa's jewelries away from him when he was around this age" Lucius took Adelaide from Narcissa's arms.

Draco's cheeks flushed redder. "Father, will you stop it?"

Everyone in the table burst out laughing. Andromeda put down her glass and smiled at Teddy who was approaching her after running around the dining room with Scorpius. He's grown taller as he will be returning to Hogwarts as a second year now— it was summer holidays now. His blue eyes gazed over at Lucius's and Narcissa's direction— he was still afraid to make direct contact with Lucius. Teddy smiled at Narcissa warmly, as well as Lucius— although he seemed a bit shy about it as he went to hide behind Andromeda's chair.

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