15. Hermione Malfoy

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Hermione looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was in an expensive wedding gown with veil on the top of her head. She can't believe that she'll get married today. With no love, of course. She looked at Harry who extended his arm for her to take. He will take her down the aisle to meet her future husband, Draco Malfoy.

"Harry, this is crazy. I can't do this"

"You can, Mione. Don't lose your confidence just because of this marriage"

"I don't love Draco, Harry. I can't do this"

"He agreed to marry you because of his mother. Put the love aside, you'll learn to love each other after marriage"

"Stop saying nonsense, Harry!"

"I'm not"


"Let's invite the bride, Ms Hermione Jean Granger into the hall"

Harry smiled at Hermione as the big door of the hall opened. Almost all of the Slytherins and Gryffindors of their age were attending the wedding. Hermione swallowed down the butterflies, walking down the aisle in her heels. She looked up to the altar and saw Draco looking handsome in his white suit with his platinum blonde hair parted perfectly.

"Malfoy, you better take care of Hermione and not hurt her like how Ron did"

"I'm not like Weaselbee, Potter. You can have your trust in me"

Harry nodded his head before putting Hermione's palm onto Draco's. The two were now facing each other. Draco looked at his mother, Narcissa looked so happy. It made Draco felt slightly better to see the smile on his mother's face.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, will you take Ms Hermione Jean Granger as your fully- wedded wife, love and take care of her for the rest of your life?"

"I will" Draco said.

"And you, Hermione Jean Granger. Will you take Mr Draco Lucius Malfoy as your fully- wedded husband, love and take care of him for the rest of your life?"

"I will" Hermione said with a bit hesitation.

The priest smiled looking at the couple. He held the box of their rings. Draco took the smaller diamond ring, placing it on Hermione's fourth finger. Hermione took the bigger ring and slid it into Draco's ring finger. They looked at each other.

"The groom may kiss the bride"

Without hesitation, Draco pulled Hermione towards him and placed his lips on her soft ones. Applaud of congratulations could be heard. Draco pulled Hermione closer, deepened their kiss. Hermione gasped, letting Draco entered her mouth. They kissed for five minutes or so before pulling away, running out of breath.

"With these rings, I pronounced both of you, Draco and Hermione Malfoy as husband and wife"

"I don't think it's their first time kissing each other" Harry told Ginny.

"Their first kiss together was on their 8th year, in prefect common room"

"Bloody hell. It's Ron's lost"

"I know. He should never broke up with her. Looks like Malfoy's going to treat her better than Ron"

Harry and Ginny smiled at each other. They walked hand in hand, heading to the newlyweds. Ginny ran and hugged Hermione tightly. Hermione smiled and hugged her back. They broke the hug, smiling at each other.

"Hermione Malfoy, eh?"

"Shut up, Ginny"

"Malfoy, take care of her. If I know you hurt her, I will, for sure beat you up"

"Relax, Potter. I'm way better than Weaselbee. Am I right, Weaslette?"

"I can't deny that. Ron is a total arse"

All of them laughed together as if they've been friends for years. Hermione looked at Draco who was actually looking at her ever since beginning. Her cheeks turned red when he gave her his famous Malfoy smirk. She looked away, feeling shy.

"You look beautiful"

"Thanks. Uh.. you look good yourself too"

Hermione replied, hesitating. Draco gave Hermione a quick kiss on her lips before sipping down his wine. Hermione looked up, biting her lips because of nervousness. Draco smiled sweetly at her, pulling her closer to him. Harry and Ginny excused themselves few moments ago to take some food.

"My dude's finally married"

"Hey, Blaise"

"Hi, Blaise!"

"Hi, Hermione!"

"Wait. Both of you know each other?"

"Potions partner, 5th year"

"Oh, I see"

Draco didn't know why, but he felt jealous knowing that Hermione and his friend, Blaise Zabini were actually close since school days. Blaise hid it pretty well from him, though. He looked at the two, laughing and teasing each other. He stared at Blaise, looking angry. Blaise looked at him with a teasing smirk.

"Hermione, I think I'll get going. As much as I wanted to talk to you, I don't want your husband to kill me because of his jealousy"

Hermione frowned, looking at Draco. Blaise was right, Draco was secretly jealous. She could see that. Blaise excused himself, giving the newlyweds their moment. Hermione held Draco's hands and looked up at him. He was sulking.

"Are you jealous, Draco?"

"No, I'm not" Draco tried to keep an emotionless look.

"Don't lie. I know you are jealous, Draco"

"Hermione Granger, ah no. Hermione Malfoy" thought of her being a Malfoy made him so happy. He didn't even know why he felt that way. Draco placed his hands on Hermione's bare shoulders, his grey eyes looking into those beautiful brown orbs.

"I'm your husband. If you want to talk and laugh with Blaise, then change your name to Hermione Zabini. I don't care"

Draco said, he sounded sulky. A smile curled up on Hermione's lips. She didn't know Draco got jealous easily. She hugged him and looked up with a soft smile. Draco tried to look away, didn't want to admit that he was jealous.

"Are you jealous? Blaise is my friend"

"I told you I am not jealous" he said, looking away.

"But I see it otherwise. What can I do so that you won't feel jealous anymore?"

"Kiss me" Draco said shortly.

"Right here? Okay then"

Hermione tiptoed and kissed Draco's lips. Her eyes closed as she could feel Draco's lips moving with hers. Her fingers ran through his silky hair, messing them up. Draco lifted Hermione up, holding her with his strong arms. He bit her lower lip. Hermione gasped, letting Draco's tongue explored every inch of her mouth. They remained in that position for few minutes before pulling away.

Draco looked at Hermione and smiled. Hermione smiled before hugging her husband. She didn't know what's this feeling, but she could only feel it with Draco. They hugged each other.

"Admit that you're jealous?"

"Fine, Hermione Malfoy"

Okay, that was so cute!

I will update the other chapters later. This book is getting exciting day by day. Do you guys, by any chance, know who sent the curse to Narcissa in previous chapter?


If you know the answer, comment down below to motivate me for another chapter. Hehe I love you all! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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