25. Congratulations

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"Are you fine?"

"Yeah, nearly got splinched"

Draco checked Hermione's condition. Her dress is good, her arms are fine. Hermione smiled as a thank you before looking at the house in front of them. Her favorite place to go whenever she wanted to tell stories. Grimmauld Place Number 12. She placed her hand on the crook of Draco's elbow, walking into the house.


Hermione's smile lifted up on her face as she saw Harry. She ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. A happy smile was pasted on Harry's face as he welcomed the couple. Not really welcoming Draco, but he did it just to avoid some small arguments. Draco made an annoyed face as the two hugged each other.

"Go hug your wife, Potter"

"Didn't know Malfoy can be jealous"

"Shut up"

"Harry, where's Ginny?"

"Oh, she's in the kitchen. Come, follow me"

Draco and Hermione followed Harry to the kitchen. Molly, Ginny, Fleur, Audrey, Angelina and Penelope were preparing something in the kitchen. The Weasley guys were all sitting at the living room, laughing together. Hermione looked at Draco, giving him a look to join the Weasleys. Draco smiled before heading to the living room with Harry.

"Oh, the Malfoy is here!" Molly said excitedly.

"Hi, Molly. How are you?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Where's your husband?"

"Oh, with Harry and your sons. It's time for him to make more friends, to be honest"

"I didn't know.. you married Malfoy, Hermione?" Angelina looked at her. Hermione smiled.

"Well, there was a story behind it. But, I'm happy with him, to be honest"

"Better than Ron?" Penelope interrupted. All the women bursted into laughter, echoing the kitchen. Hermione smiled before joining the rest to prepare for the dinner. She took a quick glance to the living room, seeing Draco laughing with the Weasleys. Ginny stood next to Hermione.

"Watching your husband?"

"No" her cheeks blushed.

"No worries. I'm sure he'll love you back"

"Ginny, I don't—"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You don't love him, fine"

Ginny rolled her eyes in frustration. Hermione might be the brightest witch of her age, but she still couldn't figure out her own feelings which Ginny found super annoying. They arranged the plates and goblets on the long table, foods were flying with the control of the girls wands. Molly drew her wand and revealed balloons to decorate their dining room. Angelina, Audrey, Fleur and Penelope levitated few pictures of Harry and Ginny to the air. Ginny blushed when all her sister-in-laws teased her.

"Dinner time!" Molly exclaimed.

All the male headed to the kitchen, taking their seats. Ginny and Harry sat next to each other, George and Angelina sat facing each other with Fred and Roxanne next to fhem. Percy and Audrey sat besides each other. Fleur and Bill sat together with Victorie in between of them. Charlie took his seat with Penelope next to him. Hermione and Draco looked at each other awkwardly before taking their seats which were facing each other.

(Fred is George's and Angelina's son, in honor of the name of his late twin. Roxanne is their daughter)

"What a beautiful day to announce a great news, isn't it?" Arthur asked.

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