52. Go Home

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"Blaise, help me"

"What is.."


Draco's voice paralyzed Hermione right at the moment. She could feel nothing, she only felt numb. There was a rush of shock running inside her. Blaise pushed Hermione slowly out of his way and strode towards Draco's bed. He summoned a chair and took a sit. The goblet was seated on the small bedside table next to the bed. Draco's eyes didn't move from Hermione. She wasn't looking at him. Her eyes were trembling in fear. Blaise helped Draco sitting on the bed.

"Zabini, that's Hermione right?"

"Are you alright, mate? Take your potion" Blaise tried to distract Draco's attention

"Answer me. That's Hermione, I'm not in another dream, right?"

Blaise remained silent. He didn't want to make anything more complicated. Hermione didn't flinch when Draco asked, but she felt pain. Draco's voice was dried, his voice sounded so tired as if he didn't want to continue his life any longer. Taking a deep breath, Hermione turned to both Blaise and Draco. She pulled Draco by his arm and dragged him to a vacant room at the east wing of the manor. Draco felt confused with her act. He released his arm from her grip.

"What are you doing here, Hermione?"

"Nott sent me a message. The ring"

"And what exactly did he say?"

"You. You're in pain. I arrived and heard you screaming. But that Parkinson bitch set up Anti-Muggle Wards around the manor. We had a duel just now"

"What do you expect me to say? I'm proud of you? Hermione, you duelled with Parkinson. She's very capable of killing you"

"I'm in good shape. You should've seen Nott"

Hermione said in a calm tone, as if she wasn't scared. Only Merlin knew how much Hermione wanted to close her eyes because she knew Draco was going to shout at her. She knew it and she wasn't ready for it. Draco's stormy grey eyes snapped angrily to Hermione's direction, he pulled her wrist and took the ring away. He threw it elsewhere out of both of their sights. Hermione winced a bit before snapping a look of fury at Draco.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"You think this is funny?! Do you think coming here, trying to save me, acting a drama are funny?! Hermione Granger, you could've been dead!"

"You left me first! Scorpius needs you, can't you see?! I don't want him to grow up without his father, Draco!"

"Just.. go home, Hermione" Draco was almost whispering at the thought of Scorpius.

Right, he has a son. Hermione was right too. He also didn't want Scorpius to grow up without him. He wanted to see Scorpius grow up, saying his first word, getting on his feet for the first time, going to Hogwarts once he turned eleven. Draco wanted to have few memories with Scorpius, but he knew he could never have that chance. He would probably rot in Azkaban forever after whole this journey with the Death Eaters.

"Come home, Draco. Everyone misses you. Mother cried every night, she had nightmares every night thinking about you. She muttered your name in her sleep. Scorpius kept looking at our pictures. He wanted to see you. I believe Teddy misses you too, he kept asking Andromeda about you. We all miss you, Draco"

"How's mother?" Draco flopped to the bed next to him.

"Different. Almost ill. The only time she managed to distract herself is whenever she played with Teddy and Scorpius. Come home, Draco"

"No, Hermione. You have to go. Go home"

"I can't, Draco. I want you to come home with me"

"I can't! Don't you see what has this fucking Mark done to me?! It destroyed me! I can't put any of you in harm anymore! I don't want to burden anyone, Hermione! It's just too sickening!"

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