9. Dinner with Malfoys

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"What happened just now?"

Draco asked as both of them Apparated in front of his manor. Hermione didn't seem to be in the mood to reply to his question. She was amused by the fancy look of the white manor, showing how rich Draco is after years working and associating with Muggles. It's funny to think about that.

"Hey, I'm asking. Didn't you hear me?"

"I will explain later. Your mother must be waiting by now"


Draco muttered something and the golden gate opened itself. Both of them walked into the white manor, greeted by tons of lavish furniture. Hermione gasped in amusement, her eyes wandered around looking at all the decorations. Draco looked around for Winky.


A house-elf Apparated in front of the two. Draco looked at her, giving her signal to tell his mother about their arrival. Hermione was about to greet Winky, but she stopped herself quickly seeing Winky's disgusted expression.

"Mistress Narcissa! Master brings a Mudblood into your house!"

Winky ran upstairs, causing Draco to chase after her. He thought Winky could understand his eye signal like Dobby, but he guessed she can't. Stupid little elf. She really need to be punished after this.

"Winky, wait!"

"Mistress! Master brings a Mudblood!"

"It's okay, Winky. You can do works at the garden"

Winky nodded at Narcissa's order before Apparating to the garden at the back of their house. Draco looked at his mother, giving a confused look. Narcissa smiled and patted her son's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, son. I forgot to tell Winky not to call her that"

Draco sighed before helping his mother to walk down the stairs. Hermione is still at the end of the downstairs, admiring the fancy look of the manor. She seemed so amused with every single decorations. Draco smiled secretly, without noticing that Narcissa actually saw the smile.

"You can just look at me instead of my house"

Hermione froze at her spot. She forgot that she was in her boss's house for a while. Draco chuckled before walking towards her. He pulled her hands and made her face his mother. Hermione quickly bowed looking at the beautiful woman in front of her.

"Welcome to our place, Ms Granger" Narcissa said in her motherly tone.

Hermione returned an awkward smile, losing words. Even Draco was shocked at the moment. He wasn't expecting for his mother to talk nicely in front of Hermione. He thought she might insult her about her blood status again just like years ago.

"What are you two waiting for? Let's have our dinner"

"Uh, yes"

Draco led Hermione to their dining table, still holding her hand. Hermione didn't realize their position until they were about to go to their seats. Their cheeks turned red at their oblivious acts. Narcissa formed a secret smile, feeling slightly happy.

The dinner went well. Draco didn't say too much things, Hermione too. To be honest, the atmosphere was quite weird for both of them. Narcissa looked at her son before looking at Hermione. She smiled to the girl.

"Draco told me all about you, Ms Granger"

"Mother, when did I.."

"How's it working with my son? Did he bother or bully you? Did he give you too much works?"

"Mother, I never told you she worked with me"

"Of course, you didn't. It was me who accepted her to work with you. So, Ms Granger. How's my son at work?"

Draco seemed to lose all the words in his mind. Narcissa really had the guts to make him feel so confused. Hermione tried to smile properly despite feeling awkward with the situation. She glanced to Draco, he was making a face like don't tell my mother about what I did at work. Hermione smirked at him, this could be a revenge for her.

"Work is fun, I made new friends. But, Draco is a bit annoying sometimes. He would Apparate into my office and give extra paperworks or sometimes he would text me just to annoy me working. He looked at me the whole time and it's actually annoying. To be honest, Mrs Malfoy. Your son is very annoying at work"

"That's enough, idiot"

"That's what you get for annoying me"

Narcissa chuckled looking at the two who were bickering. She sipped on her wine, observing Draco and Hermione having a staring contest to defeat each other. Draco widened his eyes, threatening Hermione. Hermione gave a nonchalant look, didn't have any intention of giving up. Draco sighed.

"Fine, you win"

"You two would look cute together"

"Blimey. Mother, no"

Draco pouted but quickly gave a stern look as he realized Hermione was with them. He can't show her his tender side. She would mock him for the rest of his life. Narcissa laughed before looking at Hermione.

"You're such a nice girl. My son is lucky you didn't turn him into a ferret"


"I can do it if you let me do it, ma'am"

"Just call him ferret if he messed up with you"

"Mother, you're not taking her side"

Narcissa smiled to her son as she asked them to continue eating. All this time, Narcissa knew something. They continued talking and Narcissa even talked about Draco when he was younger. Hermione laughed while Draco flushed in embarrassment. His mother really wanted him to be roasted for the rest of his life.

"Ma'am, let me help you with the dishes"

"It's okay. You can go with Draco"

"Mother, she can just Apparate back home"

"You think I'll let a young woman go back home at such hours? Draco Malfoy, she'll be staying here for tonight"

"Ma'am, you don't have to do that. I can go..."

"No, no, no Ms Granger. You will stay with us tonight and Draco will send you home tomorrow"

Hermione thanked Narcissa before leaving to the living room. Draco took a quick glance at Hermione before entering the kitchen. His mother is crazy for putting him in this situation.

"Mother, you've gone mad"

"Son, it's too dangerous for her to go back home at night"

"We don't have extra beds in other room. Only mine and yours got beds"

"Then, she'll be sleeping in your room. The bed is big enough for you two"

"Mother, no way. She's gonna freak out"

"I'm not gonna let her sleep on the couch"

"Just let her go home"

"No, Draco. End of story"

Narcissa turned to continue washing the dishes with the help of Winky. Draco let out a sigh before heading to the living room. Narcissa took a quick glance and smiled. At least she knew her plan is going to work.

"I know you're going to be happy with her, Draco"


So, I found this chapter is quite funny. Yeah, my sense of humor is quite boring. Anyway what are your opinion about this chapter? Also,


I hope everyone is doing fine! Take care of yourselves! I love all of you!

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