12. Final Decision

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"Lucius Malfoy?"


Lucius looked up at the guard calling his name. The guard unlocked his cell and pulled him out of there. Lucius tried to protest but after being threatened with the Dementor's Kiss, he decided to just obey the guard. They entered a room which was quite familiar to him.


Lucius looked at his wife sitting across him. She didn't send any words to the Ministry about visiting him. Narcissa gave a weak smile to her husband, she looked sicker than she was before. The couple remained silent.

"Why are you here? Where's Draco?"

"I thought we're not gonna discuss about this, Lucius"

The atmosphere was a bit tense. Lucius groaned slowly, feeling frustrated. He can't stay in this place forever. He needed to do something to escape. Narcissa looked at the guard, asking him to leave them alone. She nodded, saying that he could have his trust on her.

"I invited her to my place"

"Who? That Mudblood?"

"Don't call her that, Lucius. She's a lot more than you can imagine"

"She broke Draco's nose on their third year"

"It wasn't their fault. It was our fault for raising Draco in a wrong environment"

"Narcissa, look. I know you want Draco to be happy but pairing him up with that girl won't do any change. And, since when did you ever respect her kinds?"

Lucius looked at Narcissa, unsatisfied. He knew his wife will talk about this one day, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. Narcissa swallowed down her anger, trying to make everything calm in front of her husband. She didn't want to complicate things.

"Her kind? Lucius, she's same as us. Human being. Living in the same earth, breathing the same air. I've always respected them, not like you"

"Really? Why did you marry me?"

"I married you because of love, Lucius. I am not like Bella, marrying Lestrange for the sake of blood purity. But, that doesn't mean I don't respect Muggles"

Narcissa stated firmly, she won't let Lucius change her decision at this moment. Lucius leaned against the chair, placing his cuffed hands on the table. He looked at Narcissa sharply. If looks could kill, Narcissa would probably be dead at this moment.

"I won't tolerate with you this time, Lucius. I'm going to follow my heart for the sake of my son's happiness"

"Our son"

"The son that suffered after you took him to Voldemort and made him a Death Eater. How worse can you get to be a father, Lucius?"

"We promised to never talk about the past"

Lucius shot Narcissa a sharp glare. Narcissa let out a sigh, she knew it's very hard to make her husband agree with her this time. Especially when he thought that it would destroy Draco's life even more.

"This is for Draco's future. If you don't like it, I could do nothing with that"

"Pair him up with Ms Parkinson, Narcissa"

"I won't. I'm doing this for Draco's future and all you have to do is agree and stay where you belong"

Narcissa snapped sarcastically, reminding Lucius that he was still stuck in Azkaban. Lucius tried to attack but he realized that his hands were cuffed and no magic was allowed in Azkaban. Narcissa crossed her arms across her chest, looking at Lucius.

"Please, Lucius. For once, think of Draco's happiness. Stop saying Draco's happiness is your happiness. He suffered enough. I knew that girl can make him happy for the rest of his life. I see the love in his eyes when he looked at her. He smiled everytime I talked about her this few days. Please, Lucius. Draco had enough. I just want our son to be happy"

Lucius seemed to lose all his words upon hearing his wife's words. He knew how much Narcissa loved Draco. He's their only son, of course they wanted to see him happy with his life. Lucius hoped to see Draco happy too, but pairing him up with a Muggle didn't sit right with him.

Lucius looked right into Narcissa's eyes. He could see a glint of hope in her eyes. He knew, even if he tried to disagree, Narcissa will object him. It was her final decision, he could see that in her eyes. Lucius sighed, feeling frustrated.

He loved Draco, a lot. But, he couldn't deny Narcissa's words about them raising Draco in a wrong environment. They taught him the privilege of blood purity which was stupid to think again whole this time. But, there's something stopping him from agreeing with Narcissa's decision. His ego.

"Why her, Narcissa? The fortuneteller was wrong. How can you believe in something like that?"

"I didn't believe it at first because I think Draco would grow up with hating Muggles, but I was wrong. He was so happy after having a long night talk with the girl. I could see love in his eyes. He loves that girl since he was young. He was too scared to say it because he knew you would beat him up with another Cruciatus Curse. 15, he survived 15 from you and Bella. He's been through so much and he didn't deserve it at all. Every night, I would hear him crying and screaming in his room. Even if I didn't hear him, I knew he was crying because of the bags under his eyes"

Lucius looked down. His ego was too big that it was so hard to admit everything happened because of him. He knew, he always knew. But he didn't want to care about it because he wanted Draco to be like him. He didn't want Draco to be weak. But, he turned out to be Draco's biggest fear.

"I'm sorry, Narcissa. I can't agree with you"

Lucius stated his final words. Narcissa sighed.

"I knew it. It was no use talking to you. You don't care about Draco. You don't love him"

"I love him, Narcissa. Draco's our son. How can I not love him?"

"Enough, Lucius. Don't say it without meaning it. If you really love him, then why would you become his biggest fear? Our son could never conjure a Patronus. I know, this girl will make him happy. Even if you don't agree, I hope you respect my decision"

"Does Draco know about this?"


"Then, don't do it, Narcissa"

"My decision is final, Lucius. Draco will marry Hermione"

Narcissa asked the guard to take Lucius back to his cell as she walked out from the room without saying anything to her husband. She knew it was rude, but she didn't care. All matter right now is Draco's happiness.


Boom boom boom!

It's 2021 everyone! Let's make our lives better this year! Also,


I hope everyone is doing well. Good night/day from me. I love all of you dearly!

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