8. Make Up

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Hermione looked at her reflection in the long mirror. She was wearing a simple evening dress for the dinner with The Malfoys. She fixed her hair and makeup, making sure she looked good. Hermione brushed her hair for the last time, chuckling to herself.

It was just a dinner with The Malfoys, not a dinner with someone special or maybe someone she loved. But, she was preparing as if this dinner has another meaning that will make her future better. Hermione looked at the clock. Draco said he would pick her up on 6.

What's he planning to come with? A car? Or.. Apparition again?

Hermione put on her favorite diamond earrings and necklace, making herself looking even more gorgeous. She chose her Chanel stilettos and Chanel handbag, checking her look once again. Why did she has butterflies when it's just a dinner with Narcissa and Draco?

Hermione closed the door of her room, heading to the main door. She decided to wait at the lobby, well. In case Draco would come and pick her up by a car. Or, he would probably come through the Floo Network or just Apparate to her door.

When Hermione opened her door, her eyes met someone she didn't want to see any longer. She kept her expressionless look, warning the person to go. Ronald Bilius Weasley.

"Hermione? Are you going out?"

"What do you want? Get out from my place"

"Look, Hermione. I just want to make up for whatever I did that caused you to leave me"

Ron stated without feeling guilty. Hermione widened her eyes in shock, feeling angry with Ron's words. He really did come here to put the blame on her? Hermione took out her wand and pointed it to Ron's neck. This guy needed a lesson.

"How dare you said I left you?! You were the one who cheated on me just a few days before our engagement! You were the one who kissed other girl in front of me! You were the one who left me, Ronald Weasley!"

Hermione spat out right in front of Ron's face, feeling explosive anger running inside her. Ron seemed terrified with Hermione's wand on his neck. But, he was sure for one thing. Hermione won't hex him because she loved him.

Sadly, she didn't, Ronald (evil laugh)

"Leave, Ron. Or I'll make you leave" Hermione threatened him.

"I just want to make up. I still love you, don't you love me?"

Ron stated, still with no guilt on his face. Hermione resisted the urge to put on Unforgivable Curse on him. Seriously, how did she fall in love with him again? He was so horrible, he only needed her because she could give everything he wanted. Hermione felt hurt inside.

"Love? You dare talk about love to me, Ronald Weasley? You dare talk about something you couldn't give me? What kind of a man are you, Ronald? You didn't even put your trust in me when I had to share the same common room with Draco! Is that what you call love? You doubted on me since day one!"

"I didn't. I was scared that you could leave me for him! He's a Death Eater, Hermione! I hate him! You can't be so close to him!"

"Oh really? I guess I can now, since I'm already free from this toxic relationship"


Hermione turned to look at the elevator. It was Draco coming out from there looking handsome in his black suit with his platinum blonde hair being done nicely. He walked with a soft smile to Hermione.

Ron was about to attack Draco when Hermione stopped him by putting her wand on his neck. Draco seemed confused to see Ron there. His eternity enemy. He looked at Hermione, the girl was giving him sign to do something. He gave his usual Malfoy smirk.

"What are you doing here with my girlfriend, Weaselbee?" Draco asked in a mocking tone. He pulled Hermione's waist closer to him, kissing her forehead. Hermione blushed slightly at his sudden act. She wasn't expecting for him to act like a real actor.

"Your.. what?" Ron refused himself to believe the situation in front of him.

"His girlfriend, you daft idiot. Can't you see? Draco is million times, ah no. You're not compatible with him. What can you do? Try to make up and then cheat again?"

Oooh, interesting.

Draco smirked secretly looking at the acting Hermione. He knew she had always been honest with her words, but it's really rare for her to state her opinion in front of him. Ron looked at them in disbelief. He took out his wand, trying to approach Draco. Draco drew his wand too.

"I seriously don't want to have duel here, Weaselbee. You can't get what's not yours. She's mine. And for your information, I'm bringing her to my place as my mother wanted to see her"

"Bloody hell. You're a Death Eater, so is your mother"

Draco loosened his grip on Hermione and locked Ron to the wall with his arm. How dare he speak about someone's mother like that. Draco held tight his wand, giving Ron a warning to hex him. Avada kedavra might be nice at this moment.

"No one speak about my mother"

"Draco, don't. He doesn't deserve it. We'll be late"

"Trying to help your Death Eater boyfriend eh, Mione?"

"He's not a Death Eater, stupid! You're being immature!"

Draco pushed Ron harshly before pulling Hermione closer to him again. All his moods were totally ruined by only a guy. A stupid guy who didn't deserve anything about Hermione. He looked to Ron with a smirk as he pulled Hermione closer.

"At least, I don't borrow anyone's money to buy an expensive ring just to cheat on her later"

"Draco, you know?"

"I always knew"

"What do you mean, Malfoy? Whose money did I borrow?"

"Don't play innocent. You're not that rich to buy Hermione a ring. Potter even let you get some money from his vault because your lazy ass doesn't know how to work hard to find money"

"Draco, I think we should get going. Your mother must be waiting"

"Yeah, we should"

With one last smirk to Ron, Draco and Hermione Disapparate in front of him. Ron threw away his wand, feeling angry. He can't believe he lost Hermione to his enemy. A freaking Death Eater, Draco Malfoy.

"We'll see"


Serve you right, Weaselbee!

I don't know why but I hate making Ron the bad guy here. Everytime I read other books, it must be Ron as the bad guy. I'm not a Romione shipper, but I thought it would probably offend them.

Well, but you won't come here to waste your time by commenting "Romione best couple" right? I supposed that's right. Also, a daily reminder:


We're approaching New Year in few hours, everyone! I can't wait for it. Well, though online classes will come in the next few weeks hehe

I hope all of you enjoy this chapter! I love all of you so much! Have a nice day/night from me!

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