4. The Mark

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As soon as Hermione got into her office, she closed her eyes. She felt like cursing herself. She literally just kissed the person she spent almost a decade hating on. Hermione took her mirror and realized that her lipstick was smudged.

"Bloody hell, Draco Malfoy"

She stated angrily before fixing her lipstick. Hermione felt like slapping herself for thousand times but she doesn't wanna ruin her makeup. What's in Draco's mind? Why did he say that and kiss her? Why did she kiss him back? And most importantly, why did she call him Draco?

"Ugh, I'm never leaving this room"

Hermione let out a sigh before returning to her desktop. She turned to her left and realized there were few files next to her. She gritted her teeth, feeling angry. Here comes trouble.

Hermione took all the files and started flipping through pages. She decided to use her wand to check few first files before doing the other normally. Yeah, since she started using magic back the other day, she really can't put away her wand. It's always with her.

Her phone vibrated, looking at the text.

Draco Malfoy:
Still using magic, Mudblood?

Hermione glared at the text message in disgust. Everyone knew how much she despised the word Mudblood. She became more sensitive since what happened in Malfoy Manor between her and Bellatrix few years ago. Ugh, that mad aunt of him.

Her phone vibrated again.

Draco Malfoy:
Why aren't you replying? Are you angry with me?

Draco Malfoy:
Don't use magic too much. The Muggles might see you

Draco Malfoy:
And don't Apparate to work. Muggles will think they're crazy if they see someone appear at the building out of sudden without car

Draco Malfoy:
Hey, reply me, Mudblood. You're acting rude

Hermione didn't give any response as she saw the flooded messages from Draco. It wasn't her intention to ignore him totally, but it was just because of what he was calling her. She felt totally offended with the word. It felt like a nightmare when he called her like that.

Her phone vibrated again.

Draco Malfoy:
Okay, won't call you that anymore. Please reply to me?

Hermione almost bawled her eyes out looking at the text. Did.. the Draco Malfoy just say please to a filthy little Mudblood like her? Hermione sighed, decided to reply to his flooded texts. Well, that actually comforted her a bit.

Hermione Granger:
Do your work, ferret

Hermione chuckled at her short reply. She could imagine how will he react to her text. The same frightened face he had on fourth year after Professor Moody changed him into white ferret. Or, white bouncing ferret.

Meanwhile, in Draco's office, he seemed to be waiting for Hermione's reply while checking some email on his desktop. His phone vibrated and a familiar name popped up on screen. He smiled excitedly as Hermione replied to his text. Finally!

Hermione Granger:
Do your work, ferret

Draco looked at Hermione through the glass of his office, eyeing her angrily. Hermione looked back at him, playing a winning smirk. Draco looked back to the text message, planning something evil. Hermione surely won't like this. Everyone who's in their right mind won't like the thing he's going to do.

Draco Apparated into Hermione's office. The girl who was so focused on her work, seemed startled. Hermione dropped her wand before glaring at Draco angrily. This guy is mad. How dare he Apparated into her office.

"What do you want, Malfoy?"

"Mr Malfoy, isn't it, Ms Granger?"

"Mr Malfoy, I'm trying to speak with manners. If you don't mind, can you Apparate back to your office and do your work?"

"Here are some other files"

"What?! Hey, you gave me 10 files already, and now you're giving another 10?"

"What's the use of being secretary then?"

"Do it by yourself, you white bouncing ferret"

"Another 10 if you call me ferret again"

Hermione remained silent at her place. She took the other files reluctantly, glaring at Draco. She picked up her wand and started checking all files, ignoring Draco.

10 minutes have passed, and Draco still didn't leave her office. Hermione levitated the files to another table before turning to Draco. Wasn't he supposed to do his work? He was still standing at the corner of her office, observing her working. Or specifically..

watching her.

"Aren't you going to do your work, Mr Malfoy?"

"No, I want to sit here and watch you check all my files for the whole day"

"Haha, very funny. If you don't wanna be hexed, get out of here. I'm asking in the nicest way"

Draco raised one of his eyebrow, getting an evil idea to tease Hermione. He walked up to her table, giving his Malfoy smirk. Hermione just wished she could sneer at him with his rudeness. But, she held herself from doing that because Draco's her boss now.

"Wanna hex a Death Eater? Really, Mudblood?"

Hermione remained silent for a while, thinking of the best answer.

"At least, I don't bring bad people into Hogwarts to kill Dumbledore, you coward"

Hermione snapped back. Draco took a step back. He felt totally offended with Hermione's words. Hermione didn't seem to give any response to Draco's looks on her. She looked down and continued flipping through pages of all the files.

She looked up at Draco again.

"At least I don't go around with showing the Dark Mark" Hermione smirked.

Draco's chest went up and down, anger rising inside him. He walked to Hermione's desk and pulled her to him. The girl flinched at his sudden act. Draco pulled up Hermione's left sleeve, revealing the Mudblood scar on her arm. It was made by Bellatrix few years ago.

"Can't get this mark of you, isn't it?"

Draco smirked at Hermione. Hermione pulled down her sleeve before taking her wand. She pointed it to Draco, threatening him. This guy was really testing her patience. Draco seemed relaxed.

"Don't talk about the marks anymore"

Draco warned her before Disapparating to his office room. Hermione sat on her chair, feeling angry. She pulled up her sleeve, seeing the scar. The scar that always brought nightmares to her every night.

Hermione looked at Draco's office through the glass separating their offices. She can feel the anger and rage burning inside Draco as she saw him throwing few documents. So suddenly, she felt guilty towards him. For calling him ferret, coward and even mentioning about his Dark Mark.


Hey hey hey!

How's this chapter? I hope all of you like it! I'm sorry for the very slow storyline. I'm not good at making long story. I hope all of you enjoy the story. Also, as usual


I hope we can all respect each other's works instead of just copying. It's okay if you're inspired, but don't copy. It would make the owner of the works feel disrespected after all of their hardworks.

I hope all of you enjoy this story. I love you all! Don't forget to vote and comment down below!

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