31. Greatest Worry

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"Thanks, Oliver"

Narcissa took the rolls of parchments delivered by Draco's owl. Both Draco's and Hermione's names were written on the ribbon tying the parchments. She looked at the gloomy sky outside. The rain was pouring heavily with the dangerous sounds of storms and crazy cold wind blows, making Narcissa felt a sudden heaviness in her heart. She took her glasses and sat on her personal study by the window. She unrolled the parchment sent by Draco.


Help me. I've been having the same nightmare for almost 5 nights. All of the worst memories. I'm scared, mother. The Mark is burning again. It was telling me something. I don't know who can help me and I know it's definitely not Hermione. I can't put her life at risk again. I don't want her to know about my Mark burning. I need your help, I feel like dying. Mother, help me.


A frown was obviously formed on Narcissa's beautiful face, feeling both worried and curious. She took few books consisting of Dark Magic from the shelves before sitting back at her personal study. The same thought was circling her mind, what if there's gonna be another rise of the Dark Lord but continued by his heir? She knew the Dark Lord and her sister Bellatrix had a daughter named Delphini. She was sure the burning pain of Draco's Dark Mark was because of this. She rolled the parchment given by Hermione.


Draco is acting different for almost 5 days. He became quieter, skinnier as if he was struggling with something. He had a nightmare few days ago and since that he asked me to not sleep with him. I don't care about the sleeping part, I am so eager to know what's causing the sudden change of Draco's behavior. My scar is burning for almost a week but I don't want to tell Draco because his state looked more worrying than mine. I hope you can help, Narcissa.


Narcissa flipped open the books in front of her. The Dark Mark was usually hard to find in the books of Dark Magic as it is one of the most powerful sign of being the villain. It was rare for any of the wizards or witches to do research on the truth behind the Dark Mark. The painful truth behind the Dark Mark if the receiver ever try to turn their backs on the Dark Lord. The painful truth behind the Dark Mark if the receiver betrayed the Dark Lord.

Narcissa took her quill and parchment, dipping the quill to the ink bottle before writing a reply to Hermione. Everything has to be done in secret. She knew Hermione can manage this news well. Everything has to be done quickly or Draco might go insane because of the nightmares haunting him, or worse, died. She tied the parchment to her snowy owl's leg before the owl flew across the gloomy sky.

"Winky, follow me"

"Yes, Mistress"

Narcissa put on her black robe and covered her head. Taking Winky's hands in her, they both Apparated from the manor. Very soon after, both of them arrived at the familiar streets of Knockturn Alley. Narcissa kept Winky close to her as they walked together. 

The streets of Knockturn Alley was way too familiar to Narcissa and the rest of the Malfoys. Being a pure-blood witch from the most noble and ancient House of Black made it even easier for her to recognize this streets since her younger days. Borgin and Burke shop, the place she frequently visited with both her son and husband during Draco's school days to sell all the dark wizards' stuffs before heading to Diagon Alley to buy Draco his school supplies.

Walking down the streets carefully, Narcissa made sure her black and blonde fringe weren't visible to the Dark wizards strolling around. She took few steps closer to the sidewalk, walking into another street. Darker, giving such a dark magic kind of spirit. She didn't say anything as she gripped on Winky's fingers tightly, warning her to stay close.

Narcissa glanced to the alley heading to Diagon Alley. She could see Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt and Dawlish the Auror strolling around, looking for ex-Death Eaters who were still free from Azkaban. It was a good thing she and Draco moved out to Muggle London after Lucius's arrest. She stopped in front of a shop she used to come when she was pregnant years ago.

"Ah, a new customer"

The usher at the doorframe smirked at the hooded Narcissa. She didn't make an eye contact and lowered her head as she walked into the shop. Her views was greeted by shining crystal balls on the shelves along the hallway to a dark room at the end of the gloomy hallway. She pushed the curtain and entered the room. The fortuneteller greeted her with a sharp look. No smile, wondering who's under the black hood.

"It's nice meeting you again, Katrina"

"Narcissa? Is that you?"

Narcissa removed the hood, revealing herself. Katrina gasped in shock, feeling terrified. She was afraid the Ministry would track down another criminal in her shop. Narcissa took out her wand, making sure everything was safe. Katrina gulped down her saliva, relaxing herself. She looked at Narcissa.

"I'm pretty sure you have a wish after 25 years of being a faithful wife to Lucius"

"Draco. What's been written for him? Besides his happiness"

Katrina's eyes wandered around before muttering some incoherent words as she placed her hands on the crystal ball in front of her. Narcissa kept her face straight as the long fingers of the woman in front of her were caressing the ball dangerously. Katrina snapped her eyes to Narcissa with a horrified look. It was as if she was seeing something she could never thought she could've have seen.

"What is it, Katrina? What happened to my son?" Narcissa's voice raised.

"I.. I didn't see this coming. The Dark Mark effected him cruelly"

Katrina's dreamy voice and gaze all around the confined room didn't bring any relaxation into Narcissa's blood. All she could think was, Draco was in great danger. This danger was even greater than the one he had when he was assigned the task of killing Dumbledore on his sixth year in Hogwarts. Katrina snapped another horrified look at Narcissa.

"I don't think you could handle this, Narcissa"

"Tell me, Katrina. Tell me!"

"Draco.. he will experience an excruciating pain in order to get rid of the Dark Mark. The Mark was a curse. The Dark Lord gave it to him as a punishment to Lucius for.."

"Enough! Enough! These are all lies! You can't tell me my son is going to die!"

Narcissa stood up and slammed the crystal ball. The ball hit the ground harshly and scattered into tiny piece of sharp glasses. She can't believe the fate of Draco. She can't put his life at risk again. She didn't want to go back to the past. She looked at Katrina, the woman looked desperate as she was trying to explain.

"What is the solution? Tell me what is the solution to save my son!"

"Malfoy Manor. Take him there.. that's the only place he can relive his happiest memories to destroy the worst ones"

"Then, my son is going to be arrested! Come, Winky. I've had enough"

Narcissa put a bag of galleons and put her wand in her pocket. She wore her hood back and pulled Winky to leave the fortuneteller. She didn't want to believe any of this anymore. She didn't want to live in this fear of her son dying again. She knew. She knew there's another way to help him besides taking him back to Malfoy Manor. Katrina stood up.

"Narcissa. I have to remind you the curse on his Mark will lead to excruciating pain that will lead to insanity or worse, death"

"I'm pretty sure I'm wary of my son's condition, Katrina"

Narcissa and Winky Apparated away.

What a tense and messy chapter!

I'm trying to portray a dark side of this book here, but I'm not sure if it's done well or not.


Hope all of you are doing well!

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