Cap. 19 You're the only reason to live

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When Brett opened his eyes again, he was in a hospital bed. He was alone in the room and one of his hands was handcuffed at the bed. He lifted his weight felling the stab of pain as he leaned on the wounded shoulder, and took a look around.

Nurse: "Oh you are awake...good, how are you feeling?"

She said entering the room with some medications and some tablets

Brett: "Dunno...dizzy. Where's Eddy?"

Nurse: "He is in the room next to yours, the agents are interrogating him right now, and then they will come to you"

Brett: "Agents?"

Nurse: "Yes, they are investigating about what happened yesterday night on the roof of the reserve"

Brett: "They don't need to, I know where they can find the security tapes!"

Nurse: "They already watched the security tapes your brother provided them, it's just a proforma nothing more"

Brett felt the anxiety knot melt in his chest as the nurse confirmed that Frank had done what he had asked.

Nurse: "Relax a bit now, and when the agents will come, they'll remove your handcuff"

And she leaved him alone.

The scene from the night before replaying in his head like someone had hand carved them in his brain.

He swam and swam till the tight canal opened into the sea. He quickly reached for the surface and noticed that he wasn't that far from the outside the reserve. All he had to do was reaching the security room and rob the agent in there to have some sort of tool to free Eddy.

Still soaking wet and with only the oversized t-shirt and boxers on, he climbed back to the entrance of the building. He had to pick the lock but how? He scanned the street and noticed a bean. It was gross but it was needed. He rummaged in the bean to find something that he could use, anything, till his hand hit a broken hair clip. Bingo!

After introducing in the building, he went directly in the studio to fetch the sedative gun and made his way to the security room. The guardian was fast asleep in his chair, so it was easy injecting the sedative without being caught. He took his gun, his teaser and his phone before heading back at the roof.

He quickly typed Frank's number and put the device on his ear

Frank: "Tell me you have a fucking good reason to call me at 2 a.m.!"

Grunted Frank from the other side of the call

Brett: "I'm at the reserve, and Eddy is in danger, come asap"

Frank: "O my God Brett, what is going on?"

Brett: "I don't have time to talk. Come with the police and an ambulance, and make sure to take the security tapes, I guess we will need them"

He ended the call and thew the phone in the first bean. He had already done this one time, if they restored the original security system it would have been the same. He placed the teaser on the same spot and shot the on the most powerful level. As expected, the door flung open and he was facing the monsters.

The door of the room opened slowly with a light thud, bringing Brett out of his thoughts.

Agent: "Good afternoon Mr. Yang, may I?"

He asked hinting to the chair near the bed. Brett turned toward the men and nodded forcing a smile on his lips

Agent: "Sorry for the handcuff, we know that you are innocent but sometimes people get mad and escape knowing they had to face the police even if innocent"

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