Cap. 15 A day together (NSFW)

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As they took the way to the park the sun was already shining bright on the city, despite the cold temperature July kept in the air. It was the last day for Eddy and he wanted to see the world a bit more than a sad pool of a reserve and a depressing hospital. Brett's house was a safe place and he liked it but this was still his last day.

They decided to make a walk in the park, and maybe eat somewhere fancy around the city. Not that big touristic tour but still enough for Eddy. He was not interested in seeing monuments or museums but the nature and the world like used to be outside water. So, it doesn't surprize that he was more focused on the trees the park was growing than the Sidney opera house Brett had shown him on the way to the restaurant.

The place Brett had chosen was quite hidden from the rest of the city. It was a place where he liked to go alone, he had never brought here Gary too. It was his happy place and he used to come here when they had an argument or he simply felt sad and wanted an hour for himself. It was kinda private and he wanted to share it with Eddy, because during that month his happy place had become Eddy.

It was a small family run Asian restaurant, with few windows and small private rooms to book if you wanted some privacy during your meal. Brett had been there so many times that the owner knew his face and greeted him like a family member. He led the two boys in one of the rooms and ajar the door before coming back with the menus.

Brett: "They have a really good vegetarian hot pot if you would like to try it"

Eddy: "I was thinking about soy spaghetti with my first real meal on the earth my first meal with you"

Brett: "Oh..."

He answered blushing visibly. Eddy could be so sweet. The owner himself took their orders and left them alone some seconds after.

Eddy: "I like it's very cosy and intimate"

Brett: "Yeah...I like a lot the atmosphere here. I use to come here when I'm upset, just to let my mood being restored by these walls"

Eddy: "Wow..."

Brett: "Yeah, wow"

Eddy: "And you decided to bring me here? I mean it seems like your private place, I didn't want to..."

Brett: "Hey...if I decided to bring you here it's because I wanted you to be part of all of this...for short that it can last"

Eddy: "Well...thank you"

The food was indeed spectacular and the owner that served them was so kind to the both of them, it was like a mystical experience eating here.

As they stepped outside and started their way home, Eddy's attention was trapped by a manifest hanged on a wooden pole. It was the missing person with his face as a mermaid. He stopped his pace and took a look at the discoloured photo. Was it really this his face as a mermaid? He looked so menacing, how could Brett decide to help something that looked this scarry?

Brett: "First time seeing your face as a mermaid?"

He said being sure nobody was listening to them

Eddy: ", how did you decide to help me?"

Brett: "What do you mean?"

Eddy: "I look so intimidating as a mermaid...I mean I already seen other mermaids during my life but I didn't know the typical features of my spices looked like this on me...I'm a monster"

Brett didn't really know what to say, in the end he was the one that screamed when he saw Eddy for the first time, not for his aspect of course but for his proximity, but still.

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