Cap. 17 Be safe

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It was all too lighted and noisy when he opened his eyes again. Eddy was on a chair next to him and he was already awake scanning the space around like he never seen a floor in his entire life. He noticed they both had a cloth to close their mouths and were bounded to the chair. When his eyes came to focus again and took a better look around, he recognized immediately where they were: the roof of the reserve, near the pool, and it was night but an additional lamp had been added to light he and Eddy properly.

Nora: "Good to see that you are awake"

She said from a chair in front of them. Kia and Mark were near her on other two chairs, and they were all wearing gloves and black clothes. The girls had their hairs in tidy pony tails and Mark was wearing a beany

Nora: "Remove them the cloths"

Kia and Mark stood up and made their short way to where the boys were bounded before removing the cloth that were covering their mouths.

Kia: "Try to scream and you will be the first to die"

She whispered in Brett's hear. The two siblings returned back to the chairs and took a seat. Nora on the contrary stood up stretching a little

Nora: "My God guys it took you forever to wake up"

She said cracking her neck. In that moment Brett noticed that two guns were hanging from her belt: one was a normal gun, the other was a sedative gun.

Nora: "I guess you both don't know why you are here, and you both don't know who us are, so let me make the pleasantries: we are three siblings escaped 24 years ago from the sea because our surname is...Becket"

Eddy: "Exiled..."

Nora: "Exactly Edward exiled because our grandparents believed that peace between our worlds was possible, while yours didn't. And even when they came back praying for mercy, King Edward 13th decided that it was not safe to trust them and as he was not merciful at the time we won't be now. But I have to recognize that he was kinda right: mermaids and humans cannot live together...because the king of the mermaids had demonstrated that he was even worse than a human for not trusting his brothers and sister truly repented. But now things are going to change we will take the power and we will make the underwater world great again!"

Eddy: "You are talking about things that happened almost a century ago...mermaids had found their peace again, I'm sure that even if your surname is dangerous there won't be problems to live all together, I know my father granted mercy to some families already..."

Nora: "BULSHITS! Or our mother won't be dead! Do you have a vague idea of what is like living like us? Always have to hide from the rest of the world because not humans and hide from the underwater world because of the mistake of our ancestors! Your family has blood on its hands and you none the less! You made like humans: kill and never try to listen to us and our motivation, or simply considering that maybe the resentment was true! We have to hide from everybody for too long now it's time to act"

Eddy: "And after you'll have killed me, what will you obtain? The king won't be more merciful if he knows some survivors are still alive and had killed the heir of the throne!"

Nora: "No, but I guess he will listen if we have his little son trapped menacing at his life, don't you think?"

Eddy: "And what makes you think that they are not searching for me already? I've been away for one month for a wound that was supposed to heal in two weeks"

Nora: "Because Jane may have lied..."

A malefic grin spread on her face as Eddy's eyes widened in shock

Eddy: "She was with you all this time?"

Nora: "Did you think that you were near the coral bay by chance when we kidnapped you? Sure, your little friend here made things a little more complicated for us but he freed you just in time before the guards started searching outside water, the only thing left was be sure that you remained here and the trap was perfect for injure you. We were already prepared to fake Jane death to free her and make her advice your father that you were safe, but like this we didn't have to lie! Thanks a lot 'Jason'"

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