Cap. 8 Boyfriend

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Now there was a problem, a massive one actually: Eddy. The creature was at his home and he had a visible wound on his feet, that was strangely matchable with the shape of the tail trap, that had been strangely cut off the night before.

The only hope he had was that the mermaid looked really different form his 'water shape' and he could manage to walk to hide the wound.

Brett: "Here we are"

He said opening the door while scanning inside to see if the man had woken up and was wandering around probably naked. No sight of Eddy apparently, good.

Agent: "It will take just few minutes I guess"

Brett: "Take your time...I just go to the bedroom to see if my...boyfriend is awake now"

At the reserve they knew he was gay, maybe it could be the better excuse.

Agent: "I have to come with you since I have to check all the house before you're able to do something"

Brett: "Sure"


They both started their way to the bedroom with the agent closely back to Brett. He knocked on the door gently listening closely to every possible sound the creature could make

Brett: "Hey Eddy, honey...are you presentable? There's an agent he has to frisk the house..."

He said with the sweetest tone of voice he could master. Eddy was still half a sleep despite being 3 p.m. He had listened to Frank moving around the house and he had read the note Brett had left him, in which Brett explained to him the situation.

'Hey Eddy, you are in Brett's house after you passed out for the pain the trap had caused to you. Act like you're home, I'll be back after the day at the reserve, which I think will be pretty eventful since you're 'disappeared'. The one you saw with me was Frank my brother and he helped me getting you and Jane out. I'll tell the police he stayed for dinner at my place if you will ever get asked. Burn this paper, after you read it, with the lighter I left you on the bedside table to avoid possible proofs.


He hadn't tried to get up: the pain he had in his foot was already killing him from laying down, he didn't want to know how it could have been if he stood up. He decided to wait for Brett to do anything even because this was his house. He was just able to burn the paper in the bean next to the bed, after figuring out how to use the lighter, like Brett had instructed him, and mix the ash with the other trash. As he listened for Brett at the door, he immediately noticed there was something off with the guy, especially for the strange nickname, but he couldn't quite place it. He lifted himself groaning loudly

Eddy: "I am naked but I'm under the covers"

He said remembering from his lessons that humans used to cover their bodies. What a strange habit. Brett blushed a violent red and shoot an apologetic look at the agent.

Brett: "If you don't mind..."

He said to the man standing next to him

Agent: "No problem, I've erupted in worse scenarios"

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