Cap. 10 Is this my face

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How could I have been this stupid?

Kept asking Brett as he rocked on the bed with Eddy crying in his arms. The boy was clearly not expert of this world and maybe he got scared of a stupid thing, and all this just because he wanted to get rid of one of the proofs that maybe Frank could have managed to took back to the agency some days later. He could have remained home with Eddy and help him overcome the trauma, but no, the car was more important, stupid, stupid, stupid!

Brett: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I should have remained home to help you..."

He was nearly whispering to avoid scaring Eddy even more

Eddy: "N-no...It's not your fault"

He wasn't sure that thin voice really came out from the towel

Brett: "No's my fault! You are not a human that knows everything about this world and I should have remained home to help you...I'm sorry"

Eddy: "I'm serious Brett I got scared by about a stupid thing...don't be sorry that's me that overacted..."

Brett: "Hey you didn' I said you are not human you are justified to be scared even of the littlest thing...even a penis scared you"

He said hinting a smile to the boy. Eddy raised his head from the towel and looked puppy style at Brett. Yeah, he was a really handsome man even with puffy red eyes.

Brett: "Let's forget this now, it's not important anymore. Just tell me what did scare you so the next time it won't happen"

Eddy: " was the door...I didn't know how to open it and I fricked out...I felt trapped like when they kidnapped me..."

Brett remained a little shocked by this. He had thought that what the reserve had done to them was inhuman but he didn't realize till this moment that the boy could have experienced some sort of trauma.

Brett: "Ok then...let's teach you how to open the cabin then"

He got up bringing Eddy with him. He decided that the rim of the tub could have been a good place to let Eddy sit since it faced the cabin.

After he made the movement about 5 times and made sure Eddy was able to do it himself, he proceeded in helping the man in some clothes. The shirt slid in its place effortless after Eddy had seen before how to wear it. Then it was time for the underwear. If the shirt didn't bother him this much the underwear was a nightmare! Who on the planet would want to wear something that constrict the famous penis in not moving? It took him 5 whole minutes to find a position that was comfortable for the new appendix, and fortunately, after the underwear were in their place it was simple sliding on the sweatpants, even because they were far larger!

Brett: "Let's see the wound before putting the socks on"

He squatted down to seat on the floor after he took the first aid kit from the cabinet above the sink and a bowl of cold water. He noticed that in the bag there was some water so he removed it and quickly throw it away in the bean. The bandage was crooked and completely wet. Some flaps of skin found their way out of the gauze revealing some swollen and bleeding underneath. It was not a pleasurable sight at all. He removed the useless patch and took a better look: yep, gross indeed. Eddy was not looking at the wound as Brett noticed once he lifted his gaze on the guy to see if he was in pain. He took advantage of the moment of distraction and dept the foot in the bowl. Eddy flinched a little when his skin touched the cold liquid but he didn't take away his gaze from where he was looking.

Brett: "What are you looking at?"

Eddy: "Hem, what?"

He asked shaking his head like out of a trance

Water Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें