Cap. 16 Exiled

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Lucy: "Mum, why do we have to move?"

Cindy: "I already told you Lucy, the King wants us to do this"

She said before helping her sons out of the water. She then crawled onto the sand and waited for them to be completely dry.

Cindy: "Put these on"

Lucy: "Ok, mum"

Cindy: "Anne, help Chris while I help Lucy"

She knew she had to go back to the water, and that this would have been the last time she saw her kids.

Chris: "Will you come with us mum?"

Cindy cupped gently his cheeks trying to contain her tears. She left a kiss on his forehead before ruffling lovingly his hair

Cindy: "We already talked about this my dear...mommy has to do some stuff under water and she will come to you in some months..."

Chris: "Ok..."

Cindy: "Will you be good to your sisters?"

Chris: "Yes, mum"

Cindy: "Good boy...Anne, Lucy come here"

The two girls wobbled on their new legs toward their mum as she requested, and she managed to hold them all in her arms a little bit longer before crawling back in the water for her last goodbye. They didn't see her face twist in pain, they didn't see the blood pool spreading around her under the water, and they never saw their mother after that tremendous night.

Anne: "We have to go"

Chris: "To uncle?"

Anne: "Yes, come on, we better go when it's still dark"

Probably Anne was the only one among the siblings to know the truth being 9 years older than Chris and 12 than Lucy. Not that their mother had ever told her but she could be able to tell that something was definitely going on, she was only 16 but she was smart.

They knocked on the door about one hour later and an old man went to open. Lucy was fast asleep in Anne's arms and Chris was holding onto his sister hand standing a bit behind her leg.

Ron: "Anne, Chris and Lucy?"

Anne: "Yes"

Ron: "Come in"

He showed the way to the bedroom and after Anne had tucked Chris and Lucy under the covers she went downstairs with Ron. They took a seat at the table in the kitchen while he put some water on the heat to give the poor girl a chamomile.

Ron: "Did you have big issues during the road here?"

He asked while brewing the yellow liquid in the mug in front of Anne

Anne: "No, the city is quiet now and we didn't meet anybody"

Ron: "Good"

He put the teapot back on the stove and took a seat in front of her. As he sat down Anne took form her pocket an envelope sealed in plastic and handed it to Ron.

Anne: "For your hospitality..."

Ron: "Ohf! Cindy! It's fine like this, take these back you need them more than me"

Anne: "She said that you would have said something like this, and she told me to insist"

Ron: "And I insist more"

He stood up and placed the envelope back in Anne's hands closing her fingers around it.

Ron: "Trust me, ok?"

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