Cap. 13 Learning the violin

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Did Eddy miss his life under water? Well, he was not sure anymore. Every more day he spent with the guy was another doubt thrown at his certainties.

There was just one thing that he was sure he never stopped missing: his instrument. He used to play a marine instrument that looked really like a violin, and if it was for him, he would have chosen the music as a career, but he knew better that the simple fact of being born in the royal family left few ways open.

Their routine after about one week of living together was basically: Brett waking up early to go to work, Eddy sleeping till lunch time, a quick meet for lunch at Brett's place, Brett returning to work till 5 p.m. and in the evening Brett practising before dinner and a film after eating.

In that week they've been able to finish Twilight saga and begun Pirates of the Caribbean one, with much indignation by Eddy about the portrayal of mermaids, or marine inaccuracies in general. And who could blame him? Just imagine if one day you see your species portrayed as a mass of bloodthirsty man eaters. Mermaids were gentle creatures. Sure, they could be very deadly if they wanted to, they could easily strangle a man for strong they were and just think of the fact that they could breathe under water while men couldn't and that, in general, they were bright enough to knew how to use this 'little detail' to their advantage.

Brett didn't need to know anyway. If one day the boy would be in danger Eddy will protect him for sure but if it was not the case, he probably would prefer to not know of having a possible 'death machine' in his living room. Deadly only if provoked.

But I know what's the big question: was this routine similar to the one Brett had with Gary? I'm glad to tell you that no, it was not. On the contrary Brett started to understand how dull his routine with Gary had begun to be in the last months of relationship. No, really how did he not notice? Just one year before they couldn't enter the front door without being all over each other, and in the last two month of relationship they never had sex. Neither a kiss which you can call a kiss in the last week. And it was not just about intimacy, it was literally every aspect of their cohabitation. They didn't talk anymore, they didn't practice together anymore, they didn't simply share time together anymore. It was closer to the way Brett used to live with his roommate in uni than a romantic relationship. How could he be so blind to not notice all this little details? And now that he shared just one week of his life with Eddy it was clear that even before things started to go wrong, what he had with Gary was not right.

Things with Eddy were easy and natural, sure they had different habits but they were both ready to adapt at the other's necessities, not that they had to do big changes anyways. For being a prince Eddy knew his stuff and was quickly to learn how to clean and to cook and managed at least to do that while the boy was at work. With some struggle due to the crutches but still he managed to keep the house clean and a hot meal ready every day.

Just one thing was slowly devouring Eddy. He was not stupid he knew that as in the underwater world the way to get things is money, and he knew he was basically living at Brett's expenses. His only hope was that once he was home, he could convince his parents to give the boy a reward.

As days passed Eddy grew more and more nostalgic about listening Brett playing like he did during his visits at the reserve. It was on the seventh night that Eddy decided to win his fear and move his crutches in the practice room direction. He knocked lightly on the door and waited for Brett to say 'come in'. He sat down on the black leather sofa maintaining his silence.

Brett: " you need something?"

Asked Brett a little puzzled by the strange behaviour of the boy.

Eddy: "No...I just wanted to hear you you did back at the reserve"

Brett's expression softened at the innocence Eddy was showing him. He placed his violin back on his shoulder and started to play never leaving Eddy with his eyes. Sibelius violin concerto, second movement, in Brett's opinion one of the most romantic pieces ever written, even more romantic than Tchaikovsky.

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