Cap. 7 My name is Brett

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Some people sleep 3 hours and they are full of energy, some others sleep 12 hours and they are practically zombie. From the groan Brett made that morning when his alarm went off you can imagine in which category he belongs to.

His little adventure permitted him to sleep like 3 hours and he was in just a word: wrecked. Frank and Eddy were still soundly asleep in their places when he had to leave for the reserve. Yeah, the reserve: he chose to attack on Friday just to have the opportunity to go to the reserve the next morning and act like he was clueless. He left a note on the table for Frank and he took the way for the door.

When the older Yang woke up it was already past noon. The house was silent and a little paper was waiting for him on the kitchen counter.

'help yourself some milk or whatever you want. When I get home, we will deal with the car. Brett'

The calligraphy was messy and pretty rough. It was clear that Brett didn't sleep well nor enough. To avoid making proofs he burned the paper and put the rest in the bean. After managing to drink just a mug of warm milk with some biscuits he decided to deal with the car immediately. In the end it only needed some vacuum cleaning and it was ready to be brought back to the loan agency, and the fastest he got rid of the proofs the fastest he could get home and wash away that crazy night.

After checking the 'now human' was still asleep in Brett's bed he exited from the back door and headed with the vacuum cleaner to the car he had left in the parking of the previous night. It was pretty clear except for some hairs here and there. Surely even some dead skin was in the car so better cleaning it even if the loan company would have cleaned it properly before giving it to a new renter.

He took his sweet time with the car making sure there was nothing remained in the folds of the pillows or under the seats. He also opened the doors and turned on the vent system to clean of eventual breath that could have entered the tubes. Satisfied with his work he headed back in the house to fetch his few items and left a note for Brett. He could have returned the car himself but it was too far for walking back to the house after, and leaving your brother's house too late would have been suspicious. So, he took the front door and headed home.

At the reserve it was like a bomb had exploded: gates, security tapes, police officers everywhere and all the employees more anxious than ever. Brett showed up at the usual hour with his usual donuts and after putting his best dead pan on he marched into the building.

Kia: "O my God Jason!"

She screamed as she run to him with teary eyes

Brett: "Kia...what's up here?"

Kia: "Someone entered the reserve yesterday night and kidnapped Eric and Ariel!"

Brett: "WHAT???? Who the hell could make something this horrendous??"

Hem me and it's not horrendous, it's quite human if you will ever ask

Kia: "We don't know...the police is already investigating on the case but..."

Brett: "But what?"

Kia: "The thief...he/she was good: they had taken the tapes from the security cabin and had sedate the guard using Nora's gun but they were bright since they were wearing gloves..."

Brett: "A professional...wait Nora has a sedative gun?"

Kia: "We all have sedative guns with us..."

Brett: "Oh..."

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