26. On my way

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The award ceremony had ended just as soon as it began last night, the whole thing was live streamed except for the last hour, which was just greetings and formalities before they all had retired for the night

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The award ceremony had ended just as soon as it began last night, the whole thing was live streamed except for the last hour, which was just greetings and formalities before they all had retired for the night.

Jennie and Taehyung hadn't met and talked as much as they would've like since she was on the shooting side and he was on the basketball side, they did get a few chances to slip a few words but that was about it.

Jennie was booked most of the next day, and Taehyung had his flight for the after noon which meant he would reach home by 6-7 based on Seoul traffic.

Jennie would return the following day at noon, as she had not gotten flight seats due to the over booking in the Tokyo airport.

The whole flight was jam packed essentially.

The morning of the next day she had an Olympic winners segment interview but other than that there was a small photoshoot, which she as an athlete didn't know why she was participating in, but that was over rather quickly.

Back at home, everyone was preparing radish Kimchi as it was almost everyone's mutual favourite food.

Apart from that, they had managed to make a variety of different side dishes that Taehyung's preferences mostly influenced as this was more his welcome home than anything else.

Taehyung was on the flight as of right now, and by their time, he would be back at 7.

They had offered to have someone fetch him up, but he said he needed to make a stop at the training facility to drop a few things so we preferred to take a cab, and the agreed.

Rosé was busy following her dads instruction on how to chop the kimchi, but was failing miserable.

She may be talented in her work space of a café, making beautiful coffee's and heating up already made food, but cutting vegetables, she was struggling.

"Yah Yah let me help" Jimin said as he laughed at her before taking the knife from her hands, but to the irony, he wasn't much better at it either.

Rosé couldn't help but burst out in laughter as she saw him completely fail, and although Jimin was embarrassed at first, because of her laughter he couldn't help but cave in and join her as they both laughed.

"Aish you two can't even do this, what can you do?" Suga said as he did it for them, seeing as the two were not getting any work done.

The whole household had been full of constant chatter and laugher, and before they knew it, the doorbell had rung and in stepped Taehyung.

"Congrats!" They all cheered as they wanted him to come and sit down, and Taehyung himself couldn't stop smiling once he was everyone was gathered together for him.

They all had stood up to greet him at the steps as he entered.

"Whoa, you're so handsome I can't believe it every time, you and Rosé are perfect for each other" His mom gushed as they other kids rolled their eyes knowing what was happening.

"Deal! I wouldn't mind having him as son-in-law!" Rosé's dad began.

"No way, I claimed him for Lisa" Lisa's mom immediately said as Lisa and Jungkook muffled their laughter looking at each other.

Before the two could say more someone had broken it up as they say at the table together.

"You did so well, I'm proud of you" His dad said as he ruffled his black curly hair, as Taehyung only had a goofy smile on his face.

"Me too. Can't deny my son looked great on TV" his mother said embracing him as it had been a while due to their schedules.

"Ah Rosé, Hobi hyung, sorry for missing youre birthday, it was in the middle of the games after all" he sheepishly apologised to the two who either rolled their eyes or sighed at him.

"Yah seeing you win a bronze for Korea was more than enough, now shut up and eat" hobi told him as he put a fried egg on his plate.

"You did well Taehgung-ah, now rest well and don't think about sports" Namjoon said smiling as gave a pat on his back.

"Thank you hyung" he replied before they all dug in, eating food multiple times.

Taehyung was even make familiarised with Sun-hee, as she herself was quickly comfortable by his dorky personality.

"So... there's rumours going around that you're dating this girl from the gymnastics team, Sung A-ra?" Jungkook started as Jisoo quickly corrected him.

"No, it's Sung Bo-ra" she said as Taehyung chocked on his orange juice.

"She's just a friend, not even that more like a sister, god no" he said as everyone just laughed at him.

"How bad must she be for you to react like that" Lisa teased as he shot his head up to defend himself.

"No I didn't mean it that way! I mean- I wouldn't date her, both that doesn't mean she's bad- personality wise- but I'm not saying she's ugly either- I, I give up" he sighed as everyone was grinning teasing him.

"Aish, it seems he's still the victim whether I'm here or not" a voice called as heads turned to see none other than Jennie coming in with her silver pull on.

"Jennie!" Jennie's dad said as he was surprised seeing her, like everyone else.

"What're you doing here?" Jisoo asked genuinely shocked.

"Wow, gone for so long and you all don't even want me back" she jokingly faked hurt as she put her suitcase aside, but was hugged by Rosé and Lisa immediately as Jisoo hugged her right after.

"You know that's not that I meant" she said as Jennie smiled.

"I know"

"No but what are you doing here?" Suga asked seeking answers.

"Well there was a flight that opened at like 6 to Seoul because of some demand thing, and my coach told me first knowing my whole situation since I was put with the archery team for flight schedules, and I got a ticket to fly back since the shooting team was already flying on the flight. So here I am" she said as everyone smiled.

"I'm glad to see you"

"If I would've known you were coming today itself we could've waited" Taehyung said showing he really didn't know himself.

"Yeah, and we could've had the congratulations dinner today itself" Jin said as well.

"Please, this is more than enough, I have had so much cafeteria food that a home cooked meal is luxury" she replied as she excitedly glanced at the food.

Everyone greeted her and expressed how proud they were of her, just like Taehyung before she sat down to eat, starving.

"Finally, actual food rather than cafeteria stuff" she murmured as Jin just smiled at his sister.

And they began the night anew again with another person.

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