14. Ms.Me

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Rosé and Jimin walked side by side to the school gates the next day.

"So how are we going to do this?" Rosé asked as the building approached, coming nearer and nearer to them.

"I don't actually know. Let's just, act how couples do?" He said unsure of his own actions that were going to happen.

"We are done for" the girl uttered from beside him as the gates were now in front of them.

This was the first time the two had ever arrived to school together so obviously a few glances were thrown but there weren't many thoughts about it since people knew they lived on the same street.

They both sighed and looked at each other as a moment of encouragement before the bull shit they were going to be getting themselves into.

"All right let's do this" Jimin said as they both made their way in.

They passed by a few students, and it didn't seem to be working as the pair were doing nothing but walking side by side.

They reached her locker as the two leaned against it and started an intense whisper session.

"Jimin I really Don't think it's working" she said as she faced him while putting her things in.

He took a glance aside to see that people were just confused why they were together but they weren't shocked, which meant they didn't think they were dating yet.

"You're right" he uttered in the same quiet tone.

She thought for a moment before speaking up again with a new idea that could help them convince people.

"Push my hair behind my ears" she said in a smaller tone as she suggested.

"Why would I do that?" He asked as if his obliviousness wasn't through the roof already.

"Oh god, we need to look at least a little intimate for this to work! Right now we look like we're trying to plot a murder because of this suspenseful whisper talking!" She exclaimed at him as he just nodded sighing.

His right side of the body was leaning against the lockers, so he just smiled and used his left arm to brush a lose lock of hair behind her ears, letting his hand linger a little.

She was surprised at his change in emotions because suddenly he just looked like he was really in love.

'Damn man can act...' she thought to herself but nonetheless played along and smiled.

He brought his hand back as he looked around once again and spotted his group of friends who were looking at him quizzically, except Namjoon, hobi and Jungkook that is.

They were just smirking playfully at him and he rolled his eyes at their antics.

But the thing is, once they saw other people, it seemed that they might have convinced a few people that they were more than just friends, but the majority didn't think anything of it.

This pace was way to slow and it would take an eon for people to actually get convinced they were dating.

An impulsive idea struck Jimins head but he was trying not to do it, he really didn't want to go that much of an extreme on their first day of fake dating.

But that all changed when he saw yuri walk in.

'Now or never Jimin...' he thought to himself hoping to get false confidence as he drew in a sharp breath.

"Just for with the flow and don't hate me" he said to the girl in front of him who was confused at what he meant.

That was until he stood straight and took a step
Forward, his left hand against the back of her neck drawing her in as he pressed his lips to hers, eyes closed.

Her lips parted in surprise as she was taken aback by his sudden move.

She didn't even realise the three of her friends that were staring in surprise, but quickly came to her senses and kissed back, knowing it wouldn't be convincible if she looked like a deer caught in head lights.

'Remind myself to kill him after this..' she thought to herself knowing that he had just stolen her first kiss.

The kiss was short as they pulled away, but before they did the reactions of both his and her friends especially were priceless.

The three of her friends had their hands clamped over their mouths in surprise or had their jaws dropped not moving a little.

They didn't think it would actually be real, meanwhile his friends, the ones who didn't know stared at them with eyes widened in surprise.

They were hitting each other or fist bumping as well, but a few were just struck there in place looking at it.

Mean while Jungkook, who didn't expect the kiss was staring wide eyed at them, Namjoon on the other hand clamped a hand over his mouth to contain the laughter bubbling inside him while hobi just stared at them in surprise.

He was also now the keeper of two kisses, from their families.

What great luck.

The minute they pulled away they bid goodbye to each other, Jimin with a nervous smile and Rosé with a smile that was obviously fake as inside she really wanted to kill him.

The minute she approached her friends in the midst of all the chaos the only thing she had told them was

"I told you so"

Jimin on the other hand was victim to multiple smacks on his back, arms, bro hugs and what not.

The other three who knew about the relationship being fake just gave him teasing glances.

Mean while yuri was just confused, surprised, and mad about what happened there.

She couldn't believe he had actually been taken.

By her ex friend on top of that.

It was too much happening at once.

The whole day was filled with multiple chaotic moments, at lunch they even left campus because they didn't want to deal with the number of students being present in one room, and decided to eat there the next day when things would have cooled down.

The both left together, leaving their friends as they went to a nearby café to order bread or literally anything, before returning to campus.

It was a long, long day, to say the least.

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