15. Cigarettes

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Jennie was in her waiting room after she had just finished another stressful match In archery.

The Tokyo Olympic were in a month, In February to be exact and their schedules had become much stricter.

She was competing in shooting because there was no shooter in the range and category she was in, and the archery team had enough archers.

Yet she still had an archery match earlier today, despite their heavy training.

She was in no form or rank to refuse to compete, but it was seriously taking a toll on her.

She sighed as she looked out the scenery, the only things in sight being the pretty villas surrounding where she was right now, in Spain.

There was a multi-sport competition here, and so even Taehyung was here.

Speaking of Taehyung, he was walking down the hallway looking for Jennie's room.

He didn't really know which floor he was supposed to be on so he decided to check both floors that were reserved for the event, the interviews I mean.

His team had already finished their interview, but Jennie had to give a solo interview by herself as you don't really compete in a team for archery, and she had won over the gold medal today after all.

Other countries athletes were here as well, although it wasn't a big competition, it was still recognised and had enough publicity for media coverage.

He had walked multiple doors, identifying different countries sports teams indications as he passed them, including Germany, Italy, Mexico and others included.

Yet as he reached the end of the hallway he hadn't spotted the Korean archery team, so he supposed they would be upstairs.

The event had a mix up, so both the tennis and archery competitors were sharing the floors, half there and half here.

He just sighed as he stalked all the way back.

When someone came out of one of the rooms, he bowed to them out of politeness as they just waved back since bowing so frequently was not apparent in their cultures and practices.

He made it to the elevators as he waited for the indicators to reach their floors.

He had pulled out his mobile as he looked past certain messages.

His team hadn't won, but they did make semi finals and that was that.

There were no mistakes on their ends, it's just that their skill level needed to be worked on.

And they were genuinely okay with that, and just proud of making it up to the semis.

Not all the players who were prepping for the Olympics had come with as they didn't want to reveal all their cue points, just like how Taehyung was instructed to not play with a few moves today.

As the doors opened he absent mindedly stepped in not paying much attention to the person present in the elevator as he hit his floor level.

"Taehyung?" Someone had called and he looked up and to his side to see who called him.

"Oh Noona" he said as he recognised her.

Sung Bo ra

She was two years older than him and was in the gymnastics category, they were friends as well as they had conversations before.

A smile graced his face at the sight of her, just like it did whenever he met someone he was aquatinted with, which just made people like him more due to his bubbly personality.

She mirrored his expression and returned him a smile of her own, as he had payed attention to the female.

She was wearing her teams jacket but had changed out of the clothes, her make up was still on though.

It seems she had noticed that he had been looking at her attire and makeup so she smiled before replying.

"I just finished with my interview, getting bronze was a pretty big deal in my category apparently" she told him as he widened his eyes.

"Really? Bronze? Congrats noona!" He said as he showed her two thumbs ups with energy.

She laughed at his silliness his response, as a hand had come up to cover her mouth as she did.

He was always goofy and very expressive, and never shied away when he was wishing a congratulations to someone and made it abundantly clear when he was happy for them.

And this was one of those times.

Before she could say anything the lift had all ready stopped at the second floor where the tennis and archery teams were, and she was another floor higher with her team mates.

"I'll see you later noona, I have to go see Jennie" he said as he waved her good bye and departed from the lift, taking a step after another as he mentions his reason for coming outside in the first place, not knowing the others reaction to the name.

The latter's smile faded once she heard the name however.

"Right, Jennie.." she bitterly muttered as the doors shut close.

Meanwhile Taehyung had walked around the floor as he saw the different country teams with their name indication posters out front.

All though he really couldn't read, write or speak English, he could identify and read Korean, so the others would have been use less to him.

He finally saw a room almost towards the end of the hallway that had words written in Korean as they were taped to the door.

Below was the common English translation for others to see, but all and all it was the same thing.

'Archery: Kim Jennie'

He approached the door further as he finally found himself outside, giving it two brisk knocks just to notify before fully opening the door, not giving any time between his knocking and opening.

As he did he found a the figure of the female at the window, with it open as she looked back at him in shock.

But what had stunned him more was the cylindrical cigarette edged between her two fingers that had just come away from her mouth, one which was clearly lit and used to some extent.

She quickly panicked as she tried to hide it from view, but it would have done her no benefit as he had already spotted it.


Just before he could say anything an event manager had come up.

"Your on right now Ms.Kim, follow me" she had said stopping him from asking further as he had no time.

She quickly had nodded to the manager as she squished her cigar in the ash tray without the manager noticing and walking behind, past the stunned Taehyung who didn't know what he just saw.

He wasn't approving her choice of smoking, she wants legally allowed as she wasn't even 19.

Yet here she was.

And he wanted to know why.

Why he didn't know and why she did what she did.


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