Face behind the helmet

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Glass: Aren't you going to attack, Hero Garito? Why not send those servants of yours at me?

Ren: Servants?

Itsuki: Did you just call us...

Motoyasu: ... Garito's servants?

Garito: She's not far from the truth.

Ren, Itsuki and Motoyasu: Screw you!

All three arrogant heroes attacked Glass but blocked every attack.

Glass: Is that all you've got? Zero-Stance Rondo: Reverse Four Seasons.

With this attack she hit everyone but Garito and Naofumi's party.

Glass: So you are but mere servants.

Garito: I know we're enemies, but I definitely like you more than these three heroes.

Motoyasu: On which side are you in?!

Garito: On your own.

Glass: Enough flattering, I hope you'll entertain me a little.

Garito: The same goes to you. Fireball!

Garito fired a large fireball that Glass blocked.

Naofumi: Raphtalia!

Garito: Raven! Cinder!

Raphtalia, Filo, Raven, and Cinder attacked Glass but she blocked every hit and every arrow sent at her.

As Naofumi tried to protect Raphtalia, three cobra heads climbed out of their shield and bit Glass.

Glass: Do you really think this feedle venom could put defeat me?

Raphtalia, Filo, Raven, and Cinder resumed the attack, but their attack was still blocked.

Glass: Not even worthy of mention.

Garito: Now let me take care of her.

Raven: Master no!

Cinder: I can't let you do this, Garito!

Naofumi: She's going to kill you!

Glass: Reverse Four Seasons.

Garito didn't even try to block it and just stood still and let her attack him. Everyone looked at Garito and saw that he was still standing.

Glass: I'm impressed that you're still standing after that attack. So what do you do now?

Garito's armor began to crack as it disintegrated, revealing what was under it. With an interesting symbol on the back.

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