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________________________________Jiyeon hasn't been herself lately mainly from all the pills and the daily nightmares she's been getting

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Jiyeon hasn't been herself lately mainly from all the pills and the daily nightmares she's been getting. Everyone around her is noticing her changes especially her boyfriend. "Jiyeon, are you okay?" Jaemin asked as he sat next to her in the couch. "yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Jiyeon said as she switched to Netflix from Hulu. "you've been acting strange lately, are you sure? I'm always here for you, you don't need to go through anything alone." Jaemin said as he stared into her eyes.

Jiyeon appreciated the thought but she wasn't brave enough to say the truth. She hugged Jaemin and he wrapped his arms around her. "thank you, I'm okay, don't worry!" Jiyeon said with a huge fake smile. "I have a mission soon, I'll go train and when I come back, cuddles?" Jaemin pouted staring at her as she laughed. "of course cuddles, be sure to stay safe. Don't hurt yourself while training." Jiyeon said as Jaemin left to go downstairs to the truing room.

Jiyeon has been asked by the other members if something was wrong like Kun, Nina, Chenle, Doyoung, and Taeyong. She didn't want them to worry so she tried her best to act somewhat normal. She knew she had to find out why she's being like this and not her normal self. As she thought back to everything, it all began with a nightmare and Jiyeon eating pills.


"It's the fucking pills!" Jiyeon thought. Everything was normal til one night a nightmare happened which is normal for everyone but wasn't normal how after taking the pills, she started getting them daily. "why?" she questioned as she ran upstairs and looked at the bottles.

She read every description on all the pills she took and none of them had any problems that would cause her to be like this. "I guess it's time I go back then." Jiyeon said as she wondered how she would go out alone. "fuck, I can't tell anyone!" Jiyeon said as she walked across the room and back stressing out. Who could she tell? What would happen? Who would go?

All these questions kept popping in her head and at this point she didn't know what to do anymore. She didn't know who was going to be a mission right now so she waited til whoever was, would be out by then. It was around 25 minutes later til she saw the car leave meaning they were going to the mission. She left her room and tried to find someone to go with. "oh hey Jiyeon!" Jungwoo said as he walked out of the bathroom.

Jiyeon was shocked from him as she had her hands on her chest and a frightened face. "gosh, you scared me!" Jiyeon said as Jungwoo laughed. "can you come with me somewhere and not tell anyone please?" Jiyeon asked Jungwoo as he nodded. "let me get my jacket then we'll go" Jungwoo said as Jiyeon followed him to his room and proceed to leave the house.

"so where are we going?" Jungwoo asked Jiyeon who was looking down on the ground.,"uhh the doctors" Jiyeon responded nervously. "why... OMG are you pregnant?!" Jungwoo said excitedly. "no no, I need to check something" Jiyeon said flusters but soon later. they arrived at the place 10 minutes after. They entered the office together and surprisingly there wasn't anyone waiting, lucky for Jiyeon. Jungwoo stayed outside while Jiyeon went inside to talk with the doctor.

"ah hey Jiyeon, long time no see." Dr. Kim said as he sat back in his chair. "it has been a long time, I was just wondering about something." Jiyeon smiled back to him. "oh sure, what is it?" Dr Kim questioned. "well, I've started to get nightmares again and I ate the pills you prescribed me but after eating the pills, I've been having nightmares daily and it's like changing me not in a good way." Jiyeon explained as Dr. Kim wrote everything down. "I see, would you mind if I do some tests?" Jiyeon shook her head and Dr. Kim brought her to another room filled with high tech expensive equipment.

"lay down here, Jiyeon" Jiyeon went to the medical bed and laid down there as the machine scanned her entire body. After a few minutes, the scan was finally complete and Dr. Kim was confused. "is there something wrong?" Jiyeon asked nervously. "I'm afraid there is, let's go back to the other room." Dr. Kim grabbed the photo scans and all her information before closing the door to the scanning room. "I don't know how to explain this but it seems like you have a drug inside you" Dr. Kim said as he passed the photos to her which she grabbed and looked at.

"drug?" Dr. Kim nodded as Jiyeon kept looking at her body scans. "what kind of drug?" she asked as Dr. Kim sighed. "this drug, you can't buy and there's only a limited amount. It seems as you have this drug for a while now as it spread throughout your entire body. The pills I have given you activate the drug inside you." Jiyeon's body froze at the second he started to explain. "It lets the person who gave you the drug mind control you and your body. I'm not sure how or whoever did this since this drug was only test purposes only and wasn't allowed anywhere." Dr. Kim had a frown on his face and kept sighing after every sentence.

"I am very sorry Jiyeon but there's no cure for it unless you find the people who injected it to you. They might have the cure with them but probably not since this drug was a test trial." Dr. Kim explained as Jiyeon broke down in tears. She knew who it was of course. What was she supposed to do at this point. There was only one solution left for her... Defeat her parents once and for all...

________________________________So Jiyeon found out

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So Jiyeon found out...

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