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________________________________"Let me text the guys first that you're okay," Nina says while taking out her phone

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"Let me text the guys first that you're okay," Nina says while taking out her phone


She's awake. I'll stay with her for a while

Tell me if anything happens

As Jiyeon was still crying, Nina stayed beside her and started rubbing her back. "Do you wanna tell me now?" Nina asked
"S-sure, it might be ha-hard though" Jiyeon replied. "It's alright, I'll listen, take your time"

"When I was younger, my family was always happy and just a decent family. We didn't have many problems in our lives and it was something I loved. But when I got older, my parents kept focusing on their business and soon after, Jeno left us. I didn't know where he was for years and he never talked to me. I was all alone. My parents blame me for him leaving. They hit, kick, punch, and do everything harmful to me. I couldn't take it anymore and I started hurting myself. My parents started calling me worthless and I believe I am. When Yuna does the same at school, it doesn't bother me much. She doesn't hurt me as my parents do. But when she calls me 'slut', 'bitch', 'useless or worthless' it gets to me and reminds me of my parents calling me that. I do everything they wanted and they still treat me like trash" Jiyeon says while breaking down even more than before.


"Jeno, I'm home from school. Where are you?" Jiyeon says while walking around the house trying to find her older brother
As she entered his room, she sees all his things are gone. She walks to his desk and sees a note.

                                     To: Jiyeon
I'm sorry I left. I had to. Something happened and I have to. Please don't be a sad sister. I still love you and care for you Jiyeon. Please be safe and okay. I'll come back soon okay. I promise. I love you Jiyeon make sure to remember that.
                                                                   Love, Jeno

Jiyeon started crying. She didn't understand. What did Jeno mean? She started calling her mom.
                              Calling Mommy
"Hey honey, are you home," Ms.Lee said, "Mom, Jeno left. He's not here. Where is he?" Jiyeon blurred out crying. "Honey, Jeno is okay. Just stay home and go to bed okay" Ms.Lee said while trying not to get pissed. "Okay mommy" Jiyeon said while wiping her tears. Years later, she still was upset and didn't understand why Jeno had to leave her. Her mother started being abusive and blamed Jiyeon for everything bad that has happened to them.

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