022. - saturn devouring his son

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vingt-deux. — fear of the unknown!

Fear was a strange emotion that had spread through the castle like wildfire

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Fear was a strange emotion that had spread through the castle like wildfire. It was an emotion that triggered two reactions within people; fight of flight. But for the students they could not fight, for they did not know what they were up against, and they couldn't flee without risking their education. Instead the fear began to fester, and boil over as a tense hostility filled the castle.

Slytherin house took the brunt of the hostility from the other three houses, who theorised that only one of the snakes could be cruel enough to harm another student in such away. The green emblems on their chests acting as a repellent to the rest of the student body.

However so used to every little thing being blamed on them, and being constantly ostracised from the rest of the students, the snakes simply became closer with their own kind. No snake walked the halls alone, and the older years made sure to look after the younger years. They also all watched with amusement in meal times and classes as other students ran around trying to find different talismans and charms to ward off evil spirits and such. Many students making a profit of the other students fears, Persephone had found the Lovegood twins and their many 'enchantments' that they were selling quite hilarious.

Still she couldn't help but feel strange. After it was found out that she was the one to discover the body she was throughly questioned by the teachers — it was then she decided to keep the fact that she had heard whatever the attacker was speaking right before it happened. Nobody else had mentioned hearing anything and she knew that hearing voices was never a good sign, she didn't want to get carted off to St Mungo's branded a lunatic. No she kept that information to herself and bided her time.

Currently sat in potions in her usual seat beside Tom she couldn't help but notice the divide and distraction amongst the students. It was not unusual for the Gryffindor's and Slytherin's to avoid one another, but the room was evenly split down the middle, a sea of crimson on one side and a sea of emerald on the other. None of the students bar her and Tom were concentrating, too caught up in the mystery of the boy who had been declared petrified three days prior.

Persephone had found that her solace, her safe place, the library had been taken over by all the other students checking out any random book looking for answers on what the chamber of secrets was. Not that they would find anything, Persephone having found a book on Salazar Slytherin in the restricted section, but suspiciously a page had been torn from the book.

Glancing around the room she found that no other students had completed their potions, all too busy either sending shifty glances towards the Slytherin's or whispers ideas of what they thought had petrified the student, she had to snicker when she heard Longbottom ranting about how it was a plant.

𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒,                                 tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now