005. - the garden of earthly delights

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cinq. — potions class!

The rest of the weekend passed by in a blur for Persephone — she was unfortunately not able to return to the library, Druella and Costia content on making her their personal doll and adamant that they needed to teach her the ins and outs of Hogwarts

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The rest of the weekend passed by in a blur for Persephone — she was unfortunately not able to return to the library, Druella and Costia content on making her their personal doll and adamant that they needed to teach her the ins and outs of Hogwarts. Who she could and couldn't associate herself with, they had a strange view that certain people had dirty blood and she was not to make contact with them. It was a strange concept to Persephone, that people could be below others simply because of their parentage, but promised not to interact with anyone unseemly. She didn't wish to lose the only friends she had or be ostracised by her house.

In a sense she could understand where they were coming from. They were scared, bit by bit there traditions and holidays were being pushed aside in favour of their muggle counterparts — Samhain was approaching fast yet their was talk of Dumbledore wishing to have a Halloween feast. At Yule tide, Christmas decorations could be seen all over the castle. And Lupricalia seemed to be safe for now, but Wallburga was insistent that soon it would be pushed out by Valentine's Day. Slowly and subtly their culture, their traditions were dying.

Persephone found it intriguing and disturbing that the pureblood families would rather marry family — Walburga not seeming too upset about her betrothal to her younger cousin — than anyone that they deemed tainted.

Professor Dumbledore had filled her in on his family line briefly — and though he was a half-blooded wizard none of her new friends seemed to be any the wiser. She put it down to the fact that they had revealed that none of the students really knew anything about Dumbledore or his family, apparently he was quite secretive.

Though Druella had been trying to get Persephone to fess up any information Persephone had on his rumoured relationship with the dark wizard Grindelwald — of course she knew nothing of this and the dark haired girl soon grew bored of prying.

All too quickly Monday arrived and Persephone found herself with Druella's mascara stick poking her eye out as said girl leaned over her, wafts of her intoxicating perfume filling her nostrils with the scents of citrus, hyacinth, and clove, "Ouch!"

Persephone held a hand over her throbbing eye for a moment only for Druella to swat it away, "No! You'll ruin your make-up!"

"And you've blinded me!" She blinked her watering eye several times, sighing with relief as the pain seemed to leave her exceedingly quickly.

"Don't be so dramatic, Seph," Druella rolled her eyes with a teasing smile before leaning closer to apply a dab of lipgloss to her lips, "it's so unfair that your lips are naturally so red."

The pureblood girl pouted before striding over to her bed and picking up a lipstick for herself. The other girls practically ready — Costia had coated her lips in a black lipstick that made her look particularly striking in a way that only she could pull off, "I don't know why you bother," Walburga scoffed at the girls black lips, "you already know Merrythought is going to tell you to take it off."

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