015. - the fighting temeraire

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quinze. — duelling!

Persephone couldn't wipe the smile off of her face after her Care of Magical Creatures class, especially when she heard the commotion from the Professor after they were dismissed

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Persephone couldn't wipe the smile off of her face after her Care of Magical Creatures class, especially when she heard the commotion from the Professor after they were dismissed. Somehow the unicorns restraints had been loosened and it had slipped away in the forest back to its family.

With a skip in her step she hummed happily and headed to her DADA class. Professor Merrythought was a good enough teacher, even as she slowly reached her retirement age and even though she clearly favoured the Gryffindor students in the same way Slughorn favoured the Slytherin's so she found it to be fair in a way. Though it was irritating when the woman would always pick on the Gryffindor's for the answers first, even when she herself knew that the specific Gryffindor she was letting answer would most certainly get it wrong.

Septimus Weasley was a boy who had a serious problem with overconfidence. He constantly answered questions in class only for them to be completely wrong every time. And while it could be seen as endearing that first few times. By the fiftieth time the rest of the class was tired of it and certain he was doing it on purpose — most of his answers being outlandish and requiring long explanations that wasted half the lesson.

Rolling her eyes as she watched Weasley and Longbottom fighting over a seat, she flopped down into the seat beside Costia — Druella and Walburga sat in their usual seats behind the two. Persephone had found this to be the lesson that Druella paid most attention to, unlike some of her other classes where she would doodle restlessly on her parchment of sneakily try to paint her nails, but in DADA she had a admirable focus that couldn't be wavered by anyone.

"Class! Settle down," Professor Merrythought entered the classroom, most of the chatter ceasing immediately in the wake of her presence, "today you will be duelling each other and practicing all of the spells you have learnt so far this year."

Weasley and Longbottom high-fived loudly, whilst Druella sat up straighter in in her seat a smirk already settling across her face as many members of the class began asking their friends to pair up with them, "Silence! I have assigned you all partners based on what skill level I believe you are at in this moment."

A collection of groans rang out through the room many students slumping in their chairs deflated, they were all forced to get out of their seats as the Professor disappeared the tables and chairs to make an adequate duelling space, "When I call your names, join your partner and begin your duels! Remember the aim of this is not to maim your partner! I don't need a repeat of nineteen forty."

"Mr Weasley and Mr Nott." Nott gasped offended after being placed with who he referred to as the class idiot.

"Mr Longbottom and Miss Parkinson."

"Miss Black and Mr Lestrange." Walburga groaned and waved to Seph as she pretended to slit her throat with the tip of her wand.

Many more names were read out, the skill level of the duellers getting higher and higher as Persephone's nerves spiked, "Mr Malfoy and Mr Potter."

𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒,                                 tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now