008. - la velata

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huit. — astronomy tower!

( — tw: slight mentions of suicidal thoughts )

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( — tw: slight mentions of suicidal thoughts )

Even when Druella had transfigured her wings away, Persephone could still feel the darkness from them inside her, that familiar darkness of his making itself at home with the darkness already festering in her heart. It made her skin itch and her heart pound. She wasn't sure why she was so effected by his touch his words. All she knew was that she had to avoid the boy, but the more she tried to the more she noticed him hovering around her — in the common room, in the library, in classes. His presence was heavy and impossible to ignore, though he never directly bothered her his mere presence was enough to to unsettle her.

Perhaps she just didn't want to admit how deeply his words had affected her.

On top of that Abraxas had been distant since that ball, it was subtle, but she could feel him pulling away from her and it stung. Shaking her thoughts off she glanced at Dumbledore with a tired sigh, "Absolutely nothing!" The two occasionally had sessions in his office looking through records of family trees and such trying to see if they could find her or jog her memory, "This is pointless, it's been weeks and we've found nothing!"

Slamming the book shut she tossed it on the desk, hands covering her face as she tried to hold in her tears, "I know this feels like an uphill battle right now Persephone — but I promised to help you and I will. No matter how long it takes."

Persephone nodded her head with a small embarrassed smile, "Of course, thank you sir," standing from the chair hastily she packed her bag, "I think I'll retire to bed now."

Without giving him a chance to reply she was out the door eyes stinging with tears that she refused to let loose in the corridors. Stumbling up to the astronomy tower she peered over the ledge, as she tried to take in stuttered breaths — crystalline tears falling down her soft cheeks.

It truly was a beautiful view. The lush verdant of the trees, and the smell of the grass after rain overwhelming her senses. Being up that high gave her the instinctive urge to jump, it wasn't that she wanted to, but she felt an innate primal urge as she stared down at the hard ground. And then she wondered who would miss her if she did jump, who would truly miss her? The relationships she had formed were still relatively new, untethered and obviously if she had a family they weren't in any hurry to look for her.

It made her feel like a feather floating through the wind, unattached to anything with no start point and no destination. Persephone felt lost.

"Seph? What are you doing up here?" Druella's worried voice came from behind her. "You're freezing! You'll catch your death up here you idiot!"

Druella pulled Persephone away from the ledge and back into the room, wrapping her robes around Persephone as she tried to warm her up, "What are you doing up here? It's past curfew." Of course Druella had been doing her prefect rounds.

𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒,                                 tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now