Learning To Drive

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Now that rainbow was 17 she was finally allowed to start driving. Because aj is 4 months older she could already drive, which meant they already had a car. Applejack had agreed that rainbow could use her car to practice and then once she'd passed her test, then she could get her own car.

Aj: and remember to listen to what the instructor tells you.

Rainbow: applejack you don't have to speak to me like I'm a little kid.

Aj: sorry baby I just know how you can be when you're excited.

Rainbow: *raises an eyebrow* like what exactly?

Aj: well hyper and unfocused.

Rainbow: ok well I best be off love you.

Aj: love you too.

The girls gave each other a quick peck on the lips and then rainbow headed to her driving lesson.

*after the driving lesson*

Aj: hey babe how'd you get on?

Rainbow: brilliantly! The instructor wants to put me on for my test as soon as possible.

Aj: that's fantastic! I'm really proud of you!

Rainbow: thanks! What's for dinner?

Aj: stir fry.

Rainbow: awesome I'll go and changed.

*a few weeks later*

Today rainbow was going to be having her drivers test, she'd been practicing with applejacks car and she'd been doing really well with it.

Rainbow: *looking at cars for sale* wonder what car I'll get.

Aj: maybe pass the test first dashie.

Rainbow: I know I just like to look. Anyway I best be off, I'll see you later aj.

Aj: *kisses rainbow* bye and good luck.

*at the driving test*

Instructor: ok rainbow you've been doing really well in practice so hopefully you'll pass first time.

Rainbow: I hope so.

Instructor: that's the spirit! Let's start.

*after the test*

Instructor: well rainbow I have to say I'm very impressed, I've never known anyone as young as you that's passed on the first try. Second maybe but never first.

Rainbow: *hopeful* does that I mean I passed?!

Instructor: *smiling* with flying colours.

Rainbow: is that a crack about my name?

Instructor: *looks at her blankly*

Rainbow: *laughing* I'm joking! But thank you.

*at home*

Rainbow: aj I passed!

Aj: *hugs rainbow* aww brilliant now you can be my taxi driver for a change!

Rainbow: *kisses applejack and smirks* we'll see.

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