𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 25

393 22 5

"Where do you think you're going?" Luan stepped infront of them. "We're going to save the world from you Luan" Y/N said, proudly. "Ha! You thought you could destroy me right? Getting the Immortal Sword... Tsk, Tsk, stop wasting your time. You can't even wield it" Luan luaghed. 

"We will try" Sunwoo said. "Oh dear Kitsune. I wish you could" Luan smirked. "Did you know that I could've made you mortal, without using a soul? Oh, of course you didn't, silly me. Your master never told you that" Luan shook his head. "What do you mean?" Y/N asked. "I could've made your boyfriend mortal without using your friends' soul. But Y/N, dear, you were blinded by love and keeping Kitsune here with you was what mattered most to you. You were selfish my dear..." he said. 

"I was-" her voice broke off. She was being selfish. If she didn't run off like that, that day, Eric would be standing right beside her. It was her fault...

She was engulfed in her thoughts that she didn't even notice Luan raising his hand at her. "NO!" Sunwoo stepped between them. "Move Kitsune" Luan said. "No" Sunwoo was oblivious to the fact that the clouds were parting above them and that the moonlight was touching his skin.

He felt a familiar sensation. 

He started levitating, his hair turned white from its' roots and his ears sprouted from his hair. But, the only difference was that he had one tail, and not nine. 

Sunwoo knew that this was his chance. "O, Immortal Sword. Aid me" he prayed. 

His shrine started to glow, so bright that even Luan had to avert his eyes. The void of light pulled Sunwoo towards it. 

The light glowed brighter and brighter until in stopped. There he was levitating in the air, with a sword in his hands. Sunwoo slowly descended, his eyes glowing. 

"You shall pay Luan" Sunwoo's voice was different now. "You shall pay for all the souls you have falsely collected and you shall pay for your unlimited hunger for power... You shall pay for your evil intentions!" said the voice. "O, Jade Emperor! Please forgive my mistakes! Give me a second chance!" Luan cried. "No, Luan. You shall pay! You escaped from your prison in the spirit world and now you shall be banished to Diyu!" the voice said as Sunwoo raised his sword. Suddenly another void of pure light began to grow. Luan was being sucked in to it as he was screaming. 

A/N : Diyu is the realm of the dead or "hell" in Chinese mythology.

Little by little, Y/N saw Luans' form shimmer and being sucked in to the void. 

Then, after a while, a light dimmed. Luan was gone, just like Eric.

Sunwoo's eyes stopped glowing and he crashed to the ground, the sword no longer in his possession.

"Sunwoo!" Y/N ran to him. "I-I'm okay" he managed to say, before he blacked out.

Y/N was pacing in Sunwoo's hospital room as she heard a quiet groan.

"Sunwoo!" Y/N went to her side and held his hand. "You're okay" she kissed him. "I feel even better now" Sunwoo smirked as Y/N smiled. "Is he gone?" he asked. "Yes, turned in to ashes" Y/N assured. "Good..." he sighed. "You had one tail left right?" Y/N asked. "Yes, maybe I was not turned in to a pure mortal..." he slightly coughed. "Are you mortal now?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I'm pretty sure we can kiss in the moonlight now..." he smiled.

"I love you Y/N" Sunwoo breathed. "Me too..." Y/N laid her head on Sunwoo's chest and the two slowly fell asleep.


A/N : Meh, kinda short tho

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