Chapter 12

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(A/N picture is Alyssa. Another filler chapter before some more drama.)

Trevor's POV:

How is it possible that I can only think about one person all the time.


I'm not sure how one person can take up that much of my mind.

She's perfect.

But I can't tell her.

Wish I could.

Alyssa's POV:

Trevor looks deep in thought.

"Trevor, you okay?" I ask him.

He doesn't respond.


Still no answer.

"Trevor I love you you."

At that he looks at me.

"I had a feeling that would work."

"Hey can I talk to you about something?" He asks hesitantly.

"Of course!" I say.

I would never deny a conversation with Trevor.

"Alyssa I really like you. Like REALLY like you. And i know you probably don't feel the same way but I just thought that I should tell you that in my eyes you are beautiful, smart, kind, and overall perfect." He says.

I feel tears streaming down my eyes.

"Trevor I like you too." I say.

He gets up from the couch across the room from me and walks over to me.

What he does next I never would have expected him to do.

He kisses me.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I would love too."

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