1~ Our New Home

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[just incase you need reminding or didn't know...<3]

y/n= your name

y/l/n= your last name

y/e/c= your eye colour

y/h/c= your hair colour

y/h/l= your hair length

y/n/n= your nickname

[[A/N: Any thoughts the reader has are in italics throughout the story]]




My eyes burst open to reveal complete and utter darkness. I lay there for a few more moments, frozen in fear and analysing every detail I could manage to pick out of the shadows that surrounded me. I was laying on my back on the cold, hard floor of what seemed to be a big steel cage that was lifting me upwards rather quickly. The painful sound of metal screeching and clanging overwhelmed me as I covered my ears to drown the dreadful noise out. I started to scavenge around to try and find something useful. I didn't exactly know what I was trying to find and how I would use whatever it was but I needed to try and get out of here. Wherever here is exactly. I felt my way along what seemed to be some wooden crates and I managed to get one open, the quickest I could considering I couldn't see a thing. I gently reached my hands in, frightened for what could be in there, and my fingertips met with some smooth wooden logs. My arm quickly leaped out of the crate when I heard a loud gasp from the other corner of the cage.

Is there someone else here?.....

I stiffened as I called out to whoever this person was that was in here with me, "H-Hello? Is there someone t-there? W-Who are you?" I heard intense shuffling coming from where the person must be. Were they scared of me? "Hey I hear you scurrying around... I'm not going to hurt you if that's what's making you so jumpy. I'm just as confused as you are." The scurrying stopped.

"W- Who are you?" the boy asked. I could tell he was a boy because his voice was much deeper than mine... and slightly intimidating. But just as I tried to answer his question it was like a cat got hold of my tongue. What is my name? I couldn't have forgotten it... I must have one! WHY THE HELL CAN'T I REMEMBER. My breathing quickened with each question I thought of; I couldn't stop panicking. He must have heard me hyperventilating because he came over to where I was, next to the wooden crates. For some reason I wasn't scared of him coming closer to me: for some reason I didn't care that this stranger had come to comfort me. "Hey, Hey, Hey it's okay. Just calm down alright? Take a deep breath," my breathing started to slow as he comforted me. " That's it. Now- What the shuck?!" He was cut off by a loud siren noise erupting from all around us. And then I looked up. The cage had stopped whizzing up now as we came to a halt and some doors started opening above us.

AH that's so bright!!! Bright light started seeping in, chasing away the darkness. I raised a hand to shield my eyes from the beams of light shining directly into them, and I looked next to me to see the boy do the same. He seems nice...he helped me. Once my eyes had adjusted, I looked around the box we were in first. It turns out I was right about the crates and the wooden logs I had found- actually there were tons of crates and boxes in here. I didn't open them yet but I assumed they wouldn't all be filled with wooden logs. That was when I noticed something... on the side of each crate there were big letters carved so they stood out:


WICKED? That's strange... I wonder what it means. I looked up to where the source of light came from and I saw green. Lots of it. "Hey, uh do you think we should go up there and have a look? It doesn't look necessarily dangerous or anything... and plus, it stinks of sweat in here." I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood seeing as we had no bloody clue where we were and I don't know about him but I don't know who I am either. "Yeah, sure why not? We can't stay in here all day I guess!" The boy sighed as he used one of the crates as a stepping stool out of the box and offered me a hand. I only realised now of course but he was rather muscly. I accepted his large hand and used the crate aswell to help me up.

Woah. Millions of questions rushed over me as I looked around me, "What is this place? Where are we?"

"I'm not sure but I think- I think this is our new home."


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