#0.5 Intro to Y/N

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Before this begins, this story is HEAVILY inspired by 'Friends with Benefits' by abqueens.

Age: 15

Height: 5,1ft


Your quirk is called Angel and Devil. You have an angel on your left shoulder and a devil on your right. When you hold the angel in your hand it can turn into a sword or a bow. They are both white and glow slightly. The sword can cut through anything. And when you pull the string back on the bow, an arrow appears so you never run out. When the arrow hits someone, it puts them to sleep for 1 hour.

For the devil, you have to cup it in both your hands, then put it on part of your body. Whichever part you put it on, becomes extremely strong. (if you want to put it in 2 places, you just break your hands apart while hiding the devil and place it on the two places. I hope that made sense) When you put the devil on a part of you, it doesn't change your physical appearance. (So if you put it in your arm, your arm won't become bigger/more muscular) You don't like making the devil take over your whole body, because the devil will try to take control and make you do devilish/villainous things.

You can only use one at a time. Your body can't handle using both the angel and devil at the same time. Once they got back to their og form, (Their angel or devil form) they need to eat something to regain their energy. (Kinda like a quami in Miraculous) However, they don't need to eat much as long as they have energy. When regaining energy they take some of your energy but not a lot. They can eat as little as a few almonds and they will be fine to work again. So you always have almonds on you for them.

Hero Costume:

This is completely up to you. However, there are a few things. First, you need at least one pocket for the almonds/food for them. Secondly, you need at least 1 accessory. This is so something makes sense later on.

Hero name:

Again, up to you. I will be H/N if someone ever says it.


You are scary. Almost everyone is scared of you. You are mean, but not emotionless. You live by 'Funny is funny'. If something is funny you will laugh. (Your sense of humour can get kinda dark tho) If someone pulls a prank on you (If they have the balls to) you will laugh along. You were a bully in middle school with Bakugou. No one messed with you. You mainly bullied Deku. But as soon as someone else started bulling him, you were the first person to stand up for him. You hated him, but you are the only one who and bully him. That is your job. You let Bakugou bully him too, but never anyone else. You like to speak your mind and you don't take anyone's bullshit. (Did I put a curse warning? Oh well) You will call someone out if they are being a bitch. You don't really have a filter, which gets you in a lot of bad situations, especially at school. You're not a people person. You have one friend, and that's Bakugou. He hangout with 2 other guys, but your not friends with them. You don't even like them. They're annoying. You like annoying Bakugou. You find it fun. You find it funny when he's angry, so you tried to see how many times you could make him angry each day. You guys kinda had this sexual tension thing going on. You guys kiss and flirted a lot. You have even sent each other dirty videos/pictures. You guy talked about what you were once. You always labelled it as friends with benefits. You were both fine with that.

You are an incredible fighter. You prefer fighting from a distance with your bow. You have insane reflexes. You also had really good aim. (You were like hawkeye in Avengers) You could hit anything from any distance with your bow. When it comes to physical strength, you are pretty strong.

You are very intimidating until you start talking about your ideal Mirko. You have loved her since you were a kid. She is the reason you want to become a hero in the first place. You tried to recreate one of her special moves, where she wraps her thighs around the villain's head and brings them to the ground. (Like Mirkos special move called Luna Tijeras. Google it)

One of the things you loved most was baking. You were an incredible baker. It was a stress reliever for you. You also like gaming. When it came to gaming, you were very competitive. Your fallback game, when you want something calm, is Minecraft. Specifically creative building. You liked building in Minecraft. One thing you HATE more than anything else is strawberries. You hated them. They were gross. You didn't mind strawberry-flavoured things, but if there were chunks of strawberries in something, you wouldn't eat it. You also didn't really like kids. They were loud, annoying, and mean. (It's your job to be annoying and mean)


You met Bakugou and Deku in kindergarten. You and Bakugou are bestfriends. Your mom left you with your dad when you were 3 because she couldn't handle the mental and emotional abuse from your dad. Your dad got even angrier and took it out on you. He met your stepmom when you were 6. You guys moved in when you were 7. Your stepmom was super sweet. Her daughter was too. However, your dad didn't let you ever talk with her, because he thought she wouldn't punish you enough. So you don't have any relationship with your stepmom. You barely know her. As bad as your dad was, he only abused you emotionally or verbally. He never touched you. He would gesture to it when you were younger, but as you got older you knew we wouldn't hurt you. So you stopped caring. You started yelling back, but you would just get grounded, and get your phone taken away. After a few times of this, Bakugou found you an old broken phone that didn't work. So anytime he took your phone from you, he would take the phone that didn't work, and you would keep your phone.

When your dad was being an ass, you would often run to the Bakugou's. They didn't mind. They were like your second family. You loved baking with Masaru and talking shit about Katsuki with Mitsuki. (In fun ways. You would never go too far. And it would always be in front of him) And of course, you liked hanging out with Katsuki. You guys would play video games all night. They even gave you a key to their house, in case they weren't home and you needed to get away from your dad. You and Katski would make little bets when playing. It was all fun in games until you were kissing. And Mitsuki and Masaru don't know. The only reason Mitsuki hasn't beaten Your dad's ass is that he never touched you. 

Names: This is just clarifying somethings for the story

Y/N - You

S/N - Your sister

S/N/BF - Your sister's boyfriend

H/N - Your hero name

Words: 1231

*I am super excited to be writing this story. I have thought about it for a while. As I said, this is HEAVILY inspired by 'Friends with Benefits' by abqueens. I am probably gonna say that in most chapters. So get used to it. I hope you will enjoy it.*

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