Hyrnix 28

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Wednesday, July 13th


"Good Morning Dr.Isen" "Good Morning Amila is there a reason you are here early?" "Not really I just haven't got a task or mission yet" "They could be cautious I heard about how your team had encountered the top hat guy that is associated with Tiverios" "Yeah that could be it but then Kyi is also worried about me" "That could be it as well" "Has anything happened?" "It's 8 am" "Yeah but usually there would be people before 8 am" "Oh you mean the updates yeah they came by and checked everything nothing was stolen but files are missing on your side" "Did Serios came by maybe that's why" "You can always call him through The Sotieris" "When did you get here?" "7:45 ish" "Oh okay"


Achoo "Bless you Serios!" "I feel like someone just said my name" "Maybe that could be it" "Serios!" "Oh hello, Mimi" "Do you grab my files" "Oh no wonder I got written down for theif" "What?" "When I came into the office that file along with a note from Givris was there to greet me" "I didn't leave my files on your desk" "Oh dear you two" Kails says "Sounds like someone's trying to get you guys in trouble" "No wait just a second maybe it was just Leios or Cyisrs" "Okay if it was Cyisrs then perhaps she asked recently for them" "But why Leios" "You know he's seen as always wanting to do more for the team" "Yeah that is true" donink "What was that" "Someone open the door" Small feet that is all we heard Mimi laughs. "Kyruse!" "Hello Everyone!" "Kyi!" "I was going to say who the kid is?" Mimi picked him up she kissed his nose he makes a sound that resembled a laugh Kyi pecked her lips "Hi my angel" "Hi Hoseok" He smiles


"Kyi by any chance have you been near the office?" "Yeah 5 minutes ago" "Oh okay" "Why did something happen?" "We're trying to figure out how Mimi's files got to my desk," Serios says "It wasn't me" "It wasn't me either if it helps you narrow down your list either I wasn't doing the night shift or roaming around I fell asleep around 7" "Well we do have an idea of who it was" "Oh you do?" "Yeah, it Leios or Cyisrs" "Why Leios?" I say "He's known for trying to do so much for the team then he already can do" "Oh" "And we think it's Cyisrs because she handles all the cameras around the place" "Have you guys tried dialing her up?" "No, because what if it's neither Leios or her" "Then we should be cautious and careful" "Agreed," We all say

"I need you two" "Who the couple?" "No Serios and Mimi" "Oh" "Um?" "Hoseok" "Yeah" "Please take our son for a bit" "Oh yes of course" She kisses his nose he smiles then walks with Girvis Serios follows after them. "I hope things work out" "Yeah I hope so too" "Um?" "Hey little guy you and I are both worried about your mom" "I'm sure she's okay though" "Yeah maybe it has something to do with the files" "You could be right Toriles" "Don't worry too much you guys I'm sure it's because of that" "Toriles give me back my shoes and my jacket you theif" "Whoops they gave me the wrong things haha chill out Sephria here you go" "The ones that belong to you have been placed on your desk now please hurry and place them out and meet us by the docking area" "Ooo road trip!" "Aish why do they always place me in charge of you just meet up by the docking area" "Will do!"


"Hello, there dear sister?" I looked at Serios he nodded his head "For starters to hello to you as well alright now what can you tell me about the top hat guy?" "Oh, curious aren't you" "Carter spill it the information I don't have all-day" "Of course you always are busy being the greatest hero of our world" "Hero I'm not a hero?" "Oh, my dear sister but you are" "Serios are we timed?" "No we're not" "Good" I made a chair appear and sat on it looked right at my brother. "Because I wanna hear what he has to say so please dear brother continue with your statement" He laughs "From the beginning, you were always known as the one to get anyone out of situations" "What?" "You asked me to continue so you must let me please" I closed my mouth Serios placed out his pen ready for any possible hints "Now as I was saying before what happened to us 5 years ago happened you were known as the hero to our entire you city you stopped numerous people from hu..."


"I don't like this" Noios says "I don't like this at all" The rest of our team sat in the lounge we're informed  that Mimi and Serios were questioning Carter. With the news, of course, all of us is on edge. "Where's..." The elevator opens there Kyi stood head to toe in his combat outfit crossbow in hand mask up. His glows glowed red it caused us to stared at him, even more, his eyes their normal blue color. He sighed and paced around Leios decided to say something. "Hyung are you on your way to shutting someone down?" Kyi stopped his pace looked at Leios he then placed down his mask. "In a way yes I'm shutting someone down" "Can you tell us who though?" "I got intel on the top hat guy that's been giving us probelems"

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