Hyrinx 1

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I stood there feeling like I was a ruler on a throne the wind blows by moving my brown and red hair I stand there and gaze at the stars. I go back to when I first met those guys in the middle of the road.

Tuesday-March 23rd

I stood there feeling like I was a ruler on a throne the wind blows by moving my brown and red hair I stand there and gaze at the stars. I go back to when I first met those guys in the middle of the road.

-Enter Flasback-

I had no family as far I know most of them are dead and there wasn't much of anything from my family. The only things I could find that were of my parents were photo albums and other things it's all in storage lodge labeled Natlvix I don't know what it meant but it might just be my last name. I wore the griffin necklace that belonged to my mom I'm surprised it didn't rust probably because I keep it away from the sun. The house that I grew up in was sold to someone and my parents had died when I was younger. So I became a roamer with only a messenger bag that belonged to my dad it resmbled  an adventurer survival bag there was a compartment for digital stuff. I walked out of the town I once grew up but I decied to gaze back at it. Goodbye Silios I hope you are still beautiful when I come back to visit you.

I turned away from the town of Sillios feeling hurt my heart felt all the pain things weren't going to be the same again. I kept walking I had found peace from the sound of music in my ears when I saw a family in danger. The mother held onto the baby crying the two little kids a boy and girl stood there crying shouting Dad. I gaze around a car was moving driving away fast I made my earbuds and my phone vanish and quickly ran after the car. It with a great leap into the air I landed on top of the car out of breath. The car suddenly stops and someone comes out from driver seat.

"Who the hell are you?" They say  Without answering I jumped off the car and kicked the guy in his face. Something black was removed from his hand and I relized it was gun before the guy could recover I grab up the gun. The doors to the car open up mutiple guys are seen they smirked.  One of them had a grip on the guy who was defintly the dad of the family I had seen.  "Who she your oldest daughter?" One of the guys says  "Release the man and I won't hesitate" I say  "Attack her!" One of the guys says  In seconds I beat them all down with my hands the only one left was the guy who I kicked in the face he held up a knife to the father's throat. "He's going to die if you don't put the gun down girly" "Yeah right you're still going to hurt him," I say "I will.." "You need help there?" A voice says I turn in the direction of this voice to see a guy with obsidian hair his stares at me."Do you trust me?" I mean I shouldn't for all I know this guy could probably be a criminal himself but judging by how he looks vs the other guys I saw he was of the good. "Yes I do" I say The obsidian-haired guy smiles and quick second he was behind the guy he grabs the knife out of the guys hand and stabs him in the chest with it. The guy goes down he then laid there just screaming saying jibberish as well."Sir are you alright?" I say turning my attention towards the father that was held, hostage. "Yes I'm fine thank you both" The father  said "You're welcome here let me give you a hand" The new guy says

"Really Leois this where you were" A new voice says I turned to look, two new people, a black-haired guy, and a blond-haired guy stood there. The black-haired guy sighs. "We leave for four minutes and we already see you murder someone"The black-haired guy says  "Leois you could've found a better way to handle that," The other guy says "Look all I did was help this girl save this guy that's all I did," The guy that helped me says The two new guys stare at me. "Um hi" I turned to the guy who was called Leois. "I'm going to get him back to his family" I say "I can't let you go alone who knows if there are others" Leios says He did have a point for all we know this could've been like a gang or raiders.  "Alright then" I say  Leios then grabs his knife out of the guy he just killed pulls out a towel and wipes the kinfe clean of blood. Was it really a good idea to trust him? What he just showed me was not normal for a person. Leios then walks beside me as I helped the father to walk on his feet since he was ingured. Leios then speaks. "And what is your name?" Considering how his buddies called him Leois I'm guessing it's a nickname. "Mimi," I say I don't know much about him and his friends but going with nicknames worked best since we just met. "The guy you saw who sighed is Sivix the guy with the blond hair that's Noios" Leios says  I was right they are nicknames I wouldn't blame them for doing that they probably don't want people like those criminals we just killed finding out their life and their location. We get to where the guy's family was. "Daddy!" The little girl runs towards her father who picks her up and hugs her. The mother who before I left was crying on the ground holding the baby then stands up and stands next to him. Leois says nothing he then turns around walks towards where his friends were. As we walked we waved at the family as they drove off in their car I decided to speak first. "Thank you for helping me I really wasn't trying to take any risks" I say  "You're welcome but you weren't pretty bad yourself I seen how you handled your own aganist those guys" Leios says

"You honestly shouldn't be helping people like that" Sivix says  Ouch has this guy has not heard of the word kindness. "She was in need of help that guy was just captured in front of his family also they were the bad guys, not us" Leios says Well okay then now would be a good time for me to step in. "Please the both of you stop there is no need to argue" "Tch whatever," He says "Noios let's go Leois's fine we still need to find this town" Town what kind of town oh maybe they're looking for Sillios. "Is the town you're looking for called Sillios if so you just keep going that way and you'll soon find it" "Thank you and where are you heading?" "Nowhere in particular just roaming don't worry about me I hope you guys find whatever you're looking for in the town" "Thanks let's get the jeep" "You're giving him time to say goodbye to a random..." Then he pauses when he sees Noios's face. "Fine Leois stay here" "Yeah yeah" I laugh The two vanished maybe I can get answers out of Leois.

"So are those your guys' actual names?" He looks at me his gaze not of firece but it was rather kind. "No I wish I can tell you mines but hopefully soon I can they're Killars or rather nicknames made by Rivieit our organization each person at Rivieit has a killar" Leios says "Does killars rank your power?" I ask "No"Leios  I wanna learn more but he is right hopefully soon I'll be able to get answers but then I don't want to what if I get caught up into something that I might regret. As much as I would want to get more answers from Leios we both hear a voice say "Leois let's go" "Thank you once more for helping me hopefully you guys stay safe even though we just met" I say  He smiles "You as well Mimi" He says I waved goodbye to them and place my earbuds in my ears once again back to walking along this path.

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