Chapter 30

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After Peters death the months flew by and a now 8 month along Amara sat across from her mates who were arguing over some trivial matter.

"Loves" Amara called making the remaining marauders heads snap toward her.

"I'm due in 3 weeks and we need to talk about names"

The three maruaders grinned sharing a look with each other making Amaras eyes narrow.

"Well my love, light of my life, we have actually been talking about this" Sirius beamed.

Remus continued from where Sirius left off, "Well we talked about quite a few names but is three agreed on these, Regulus Thomas Peter Knight and Aurora Nadia Euphemia Knight".

"Obviously if you don't like them we can change them" James said quickly noticing the tears in his mates eyes.

"I love them, you just named our babies" Amara whispered with a beaming smile.


"I pushed them out you change the nappies" Amara hissed at her mates, glaring daggers at them.

"It's been six months you can't honestly keep using that as an excuse" James shouted in disbelief gaining a harsh glare from his mate.

"You know what, you change them and I'll get on my knees, you don't and I won't let you touch me for a month" the pale brunette smirked.

With wide eyes James went to change the twins, making Amaras other two mates start laughing hysterically.

-Get togther-

Amara sat next to Bellatrix and Narcissa watching their mates play with their children.

Bella and Severus had brought a little girl into the world a month after Regulus and Aurora were born, her name was Callidora Artemis Snape.

Narcissa and Lucius also brought a child into the world, a beautiful blonde baby boy, his name was Draco Lucius Malfoy and both his parents adored him.

Though having four babies plus three marauders in one house was slowly but surely giving Amara grey hairs.


"Your telling me that the man that murdered my parents is after my babies" Amara whispered brokenly, staring up at Dumbledore with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry my dear, but I have decided that you should go into hiding under a complex charm" Dumbledore stated with his grandfatherly smile.

"No" Amara said bluntly before walking to the floo.

Walking into her living room Amara told her mates what Dumbledore had said.

"Why did you say no?" Remus asked with raised brows.

"Voldemort hasn't made any progress outside of the UK, we obviously want our babies safe and to do that we should leave the country" the ex Slytherin princess explained.

The conversation went on for hours, but everyone eventually agreed that moving to America would be the best option for their family.


Sitting at the kitchen table Remus began to read the daily prophet, watching his wife and best friends feed their babies.

Hello Readers

Today we have striking news, Bellatrix and Severus Snape have been found dead in their home, their daughter Callidora was found safe and has now been sent to live with her closest living relatives.

It is assumed that the deaths were at the hand of their renounced lord. Both adults had bared the Dark Mark though a testimony given by Albus Dumbledore himself proved that both Bellatrix and Severus Snape were spies for the light.

What do you think of that my dear readers

That's all for today, thanks for reading

Rita Skeeter.


taring wide eyed at the paper Remus was trying to decide how to tell his beautiful mate that the people she loved, the man she saw as a brother was dead. Knowing that anyway he told her the news her heart would break.

Next chapter will be the epilogue, I am just not passionate about this book anymore, but I am sorry for the rushed ending

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