Chapter 18

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The weeks flew by for Amara Emerys, the Slytherin princess had gotten closer to her mates, she had found out some really surprising things like, Peter being insanely good at art, Sirius was actually supposed to be put in Slytherin because of how cunning he is, Remus loves to go horse riding and actually took her to see the horse Hagrid had been looking after, and James was an amazing cook, he would often sneak down to the kitchens just to practice different recipes.

Amara and James were the only two who had said "I love you" to each other and the brunette was determined to change that, she knew how she felt, she had for a long time and she was sick of not being able to express herself so her alongside James, who knew of her plan had set up three dates, one with each boy she had yet to confess to.

The dates were going to go over the span of three days, first was Peter and then Sirius and finally Remus. Amara had planned dates that she was sure each boy would love, but that didn't help her nerves.

Seeing his mates worried look James walked over and wrapped his arms around her from behind, "It's gonna be ok, they love you too, you just have to tell them" he whispered softly before kissing her temple.

Turning in her mates arms, Amara peered up at him through her long lashes and gave him a small soft smile before kissing him softly, the girl was about to pull away but the Potter heir deepened the kiss, swiping his tounge over her bottom lip. Gasping softly James took that as an opportunity deepen the kiss further. Grabbing at the hair at the bottom of the boys head Amara moaned softly into the kiss making her mate smirk and bring his hand from her waist further down her back towards her ass.

A cough interrupted the couple, the pair pulled back both flushed and looked at where the cough came from only to come face to face with a stern looking McGonagall.

Blushing further the brunette Slytherin tried to explain what happened but McGonagall waved her off and told the pair to get out of the corridor, but if you looked closely at the professor you could see the happiness she held for her favourite students.

-Amara Emerys-

The day of the first date rolled around quickly and Amara showered and quickly dressed into a black dress with black knee high boots that had a small heal. After dressing Amara left toward the Great Hall where she was meeting Peter for their date.

"Hey Peter" Amara smiled, kissing his cheek softly making the blonde boy blush.

"Hey angel" Peter smiled back, this time kissing her lips softly enjoying the blush that rose on her cheeks.

"Come on we better go" Amara told her mate, dragging him towards the dungeon.

The snake had gotten Slughorn to allow the pair to use his floo to go to muggle London. And while in London they would be attending an art show that Amara had been told about.

After Stepping through the floo Peter was confused as to why they were in London and asked why they were there but his mate only gave him a secretive smile and called for a taxi.

On the car ride the blonde boy had asked where they were going a thousand times yet Amara kept her mouth shut, she wanted it to be a surprise and from the look on Peters face as they pulled up to the Gallery it was.

The two teens walked into the Gallery smiling at passers by, the pair spent an hour walking around admiring the Art work, yet they had one room left to do into.  Amara pulled her mate to the room they had yet to explore and to Peters shock there on the back wall sat one of his drawings being admired by many.

Turning to look at his mate in disbelief Peter saw her beaming at him, confirming his suspicion of her placing his art here. Tears gathered In his eyes as he smiled at his mate, 'How have I gotten so lucky' he thought to himself.

"Why, how" Peter stuttered out looking down at his smiling mate.

"Because I love you Peter and you are an amazing artist it deserves to be shown to the world" Amara told him softly.

Breath caught in his throat Peter stared at his mate before beaming at her, "I love you too".

Hearing Peter say he loved her made all Amara's nerves fly away so she leaned in and kissed him softly before pulling her mate to the drawing and introducing him to the people surrounding it, which included Art critics, buyers and just art lovers in general.

After a few hours more at the Gallery the two teens left to get some food before heading back to Hogwarts.

"I can't believe you did that" Peter said still shocked about what happened.

"Like I said your amazing at drawing it deserves to be shared not hidden" Amara replied in between bites of her burger.

"How the hell did I get to call you my mate" He said staring at Amara in awe making said girl blush.

"ugh no being sappy, James does that enough" Amara laughed, Peter joining in seconds later.

"Come on we should head back" Amara told him throwing away the wrappers of her food.

Standing and throwing his rubbish away Peter nodded. Grabbing Amaras hand the two walked hand in hand talking and laughing as they made their way back to Hogwarts.

-Amara Emerys-

Peter walked Amara back to the Slytherin common room where the two shared a loving kiss before heading for their dorms, both thinking about the perfect day they had spent together.

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